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Being trashed around since he's barely a toddler, Ciel was too used to pain that he almost never bother with it anymore. Getting burnt, whipped, kicked, cut, and sometimes even shot, never once he let out what's more than just a grunt for the past years. Yet now, for some reason, there's this sudden pain that struck him out of nowhere. It feels like a thunder, times tenfold. He can't help but screamed his lungs out as he sat up in a jolt, shocking the 'medic' team, in which Ryohei was the head team.

"Boss?! What's wrong??? O-Oi, Lawn head! What happens? W-Why did he screamed???" Hayato, who was assisting questioned in anxiety as he, like everyone else, never heard their leader let out such terrifying sound like, ever.

Which, it was even more concerning to see how tears cannot stop flowing from the closed ambers. Just why? What was the cause?

"—yato... call, Sora..." Ciel ordered between his labored gasps.

That brunet, just like everyone else, wasn't really sure what's actually going on. Or if the older brunet actually has something to do with this. But he got this feeling that yes, Sora has something to do with it. And though he's not a fan of UMAs or any other unexplained phenomena there is, that new guy could be a wizard for all he cares. In which, he could have been casting some odd black magic on him. That, or he was poisoned when he passed out earlier. The possibility is endless, and he ain't having any of it. He needs answer.

And though that the worse part has passed, the ache was subsidized way too slowly, and if there's a way to stop it, Ciel would do anything, because for Kami sake! He didn't survive all this time just to somehow died from an unknown reason...

Luckily enough, even before the silvernet got to leave the tent, the said other has stepped in by himself, though of course with the guardians escorting him there.

"Hey..." -was the first thing Sora said to his weak counterpart. Yet, even in his vulnerable state, he manage to snatch Hayato's gun and aimed it right in between the older brunet's eyes.

"—How did you do that?" The younger accused, in which the older's face soon morphed to one of guilt as he said, "I... don't know how, nor I thought that it was possible, but it seems like the word coincidence was too far as an explanation."

"How?" Ciel rasped, throat's aching from the once in the blue moon scream he let out before, yet forced himself out of curiosity.

"I can't tell you, there's too much ear. Plus, you need to rest..." —the younger scowled, before then he eyed each of the extra eyes, nodding to them for dismiss. In which, halfheartedly they left, knowing that there's nothing more they can do than anger their leader if they didn't obey. Afterall, as much it's impossible, angry Ciel can cost a life, no matter whose the poor target would be. And so, the guardians and the medics left the two, of course not without glaring daggers to the stranger first. But well, Sora wouldn't care less right now.

Taking a seat next to the worn out mattress Ciel is on, Sora's lips pursed into a line at the sight of the boy. All the meanwhile, the latter wanted nothing but his da***d answer...

"Speak." He ordered in a firm tone as he pulled the safety pin. Sora sighed.

"I honestly don't know whether it's true or not, but the most logical explanation I could come up is that you were hurt because I was hurt. Seemingly you screamed the second your rascal guardians attack me."

"That makes zero sense. Should I plant a bullet in your skull for that?" The older raised a brow

"Why don't we just conducted a test?" Sora sassily replied earning a glare from the younger.

"Yeah, but seriously. That's all I could tell you right now." 

"I thought you're a smart one. I never thought you'd be blind either," Ciel said in mock, "I know that you know more than that bulls***. Your words will be only for us to hear. So, eithet that, or you'll who lost the chance to step out of this tent." The stare was firm despite how the threats went quiet by his last sentence.

"Well, I can't let that happen, now..." another voice suddenly join them as Sora startled on his seat upon feeling that light tap on his shoulder. Ciel's glare turned to the whitenet who just appear literally out of nowhere.

"The f*ck—? Who the h*** are you?!" If only his voice can get a bit more convincing. But alas, the boy, one that Sora noticed as Schnier, just smiled.

"I am you, but from another dimension..." —Ciel was about to say more about how stupid that sounded, yet before a word escaped his lips, his mouth was sealed shut with a single snap of finger.

"Now, now, Ciel-kun, You talk TOO much. You're giving me headaches." -Sora almost snorted on that. "-Alright then, now that you two are quiet enough, I'm going to tell you just a bit on how things work around here." Schnier then started with his explanation.

"First of all, I'm going to answer the question that's likely in your head with a yes. As in, Yes, Sora also came from another dimension. And the two of you are connected with each other, which is why you felt the pain that Sora felt when he was hit. That added to your still injured state? Yeah, ouch. And what more, you'll somehow get twice if not three times of the pain he received. Don't question me on that because honestly, I know nothing. But guess what? you'll heal more faster than normal thanks to him being here. You two can share mind-link. And yes, that means, you'll be able to read each other's mind once you're used to it. Now, about why is he here... he was sent to train you and your guardians for the upcoming war—"

"war?" Sora cuts in after the long talk.

"Well, It's pretty common to have fights in this world. But there's this one war that's big enough to be considered a threat to the whole universe. This, Yours, and My own world would get affected. When or where it will occur, I couldn't tell you. But one thing to remember. You guys better not die. Or else the result will drop from bad to worse Like, much worse" The eldest of the three gulped while Ciel had his eyes slightly widen. Schnier just casually shrugs.

"Yeah, well, that's all I'm here for. The rest will be up to you guys... so, addios~!" 

—And just like that, Schnier disappears into a burst of white petals, leaving the two to takes in on what they just heard...

Seriously... what have they gotten themselves into???

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