The Mafia

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Ciel went to the surface, only accompanied by his trusty Magnum. He has a long history with Mafia, especially Vongola, which is nothing less than the biggest Mafia Famiglia.

The current leader of the said famiglia is more than just corrupted. The total opposite of the last boss, Timoteo, his cousin who's now the Decimo is worse than the Secondo. Selfish and brutal. It's just unfortunate that the man does have what it takes to lead the biggest mafia famiglia. Not just he's able to take care of what's underground, he also have some strings attached with the wold government.

No one knows his real name, but his loyal subordinates would call him Papa Dean...

Making his way to the big mansion, he spotted a familiar fatty blocking his way, "well, well, well... if it isn't the filthy pup. Come to play, heh?" The man taunted, yet Ciel just remain stoic.

"Don't annoy me, Dorcas. I need to talk with the old man"

Annoyed, but the fatty's smirk never ceases, "that's Papa Dean for you. And I've heard of your intervention, should I even wish you a good luck?"

Ciel just snickered back, "As if... I can kill you right here and still get away with it. Then, won't you be the one who needed the good luck?" he said with an equally annoying smirk as he pushed his way through, bumping the man's shoulder with much of force, making the latter to click his tongue.

"Che... if only he's not Papa's favourite..." but the words came to deaf ears as Ciel just walked inside, not bothering himself with the insult from such small fries.

Already been in this hell hole for more than what seemed to be years, It doesn't take long for him to find the location of that big maple door. Knocking to notified his arrival, a deep rusty voice told him to enter...

Taking a step in, he could see the face of a certain blond who's opening the door for him. And to say, he can't help but shot the said man one of his dirtiest look.

"Now, now, what's with that face, Ciel? Shouldn't you be happy to see me?" Said the same raspy voice. That Seventy-ish old man has his eyes shone upon the sight of his favourite toy. It disgusts Ciel to no end.

"I'm here to fulfill your call, Old man. I hadn't expected a roach to be listening as well." Ciel spat out, eyes filled with rage despite the calm demeanor he's having.

"Still have that nasty attitude I see. But I guess it'll be boring to have a tame pet," said the old man, smirking, before then gesturing  for the brunet to take a seat.

"I'm not here to chit chat, Old man. Just tell me why were you chasing after my guys." Ciel's slanted eyes narrows upon the topic. Eight wasn't a small number, afterall.

"There's nothing going on, really. Those brats were just at the wrong place at the wrong time." Papa Dean said, but eyes still locking at the young male who's now openly glaring at him. Obviously, that's not the answer the other was looking for.

"You should have trained your dogs better, Ciel. It's not nice to stole other's bones. Although, since you were there to interfere, that doesn't make you any better, no?" Those dark orbs glint screamed danger, but Ciel's hardly pay attention.

"Like we would ever take your rotten dump. Even filthy dogs won't be near such a scum..." Ciel said, turning his back before then he smirks, "then again, you should have known not to anger a hungry dog"

The young gun knew that the old man won't ever take his words lightly. Especially not after he demolished a whole troop in exchange of his fallen men.

Dean might associated with Tsuna and the whole roller coaster of pain that creates Ciel, but the boy has changed. He will no longer be the wimpy crybaby he was. Stood tall and proud, this Dog has sharpened his fangs and claws, and he'd let everyone knows that he's not one to be messed with...

"Naughty dog... Let's see how you'd like to be retrained"


Meanwhile with Sora....

As he was left at the safe house, he gets to meet different people and learn a bit about how things works over here.

So, apparently, this place is for the homeless children who has no better place to stay. All the while, the older guys are in charge to do things on the surface.

Now, from what he heard from these children, Ciel wasn't just the leader of the gangs in Sicily, but also some other city that surrounds it. However, what impressed him the most, is the fact that he manage to keep the peace among them all, despite the races and differences, whilst still nothing but 15 years old— though well, he met Reborn at the age of 13 and has been living a hell himself afterwards. Still, such accomplishment was impressive. That kid must have gone through a lot (—he silently prayed that it's not as bad as he ever guessed)

"Mister, your eyes are pretty... almost like Brother Ciel's" said one of the kids. Sora can't help but smile fondly.

"Are they really?" The young girl nodded.

"Did you paint your hair like Brother too?" This time, Sora blinked.

"No, not really... My hair is naturally brownish. But isn't Ciel's?" He was curious. But the eager girl suddenly shuts her mouth as if she was about to say something taboo. And just like that, the girl jumped off his lap to join her friends, leaving the confused male with his own thoughts...

"What was that all about?"

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