Tell Me

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As soon as Schnier left the two, their body was finally unfrozen. In which, Ciel was tempted to point his gun back. But he didn't. It was quite unfortunate, but he should think about all of these carefully. If the older brunet is what Schnier told him to be, then who knows? Sora might become handy in the future.

"Listen, ya' punk," Said Ciel as he eyed the other carefully.

"It seems like you stuck here for quite some time. Our connection, however, doesn't change your status as an outsider. So, you better behave yourself," —Sora sighed a little as he nodded, "also, asks the one namely Takeshi for 'newbie gears' then asks Hayato to train you."

Sora wanted to just say how all that he need is a gun. But noticing the pain reflected in the boy's seemingly stoic yet extremely pale face, he decided to hold back and just nodded, "I understand..."

"Good," Ciel was satisfied that at least he doesn't seems to be one who likes to rebel, he honestly can't handle another Kyoya or Mukuro, and for that he's grateful.

"I'll be sleeping for two hours, tell someone to wake me up by then."

"—but, what about your... wounds?" Sora raised a brow as the boy fell asleep just like that. Sweatdropping, Sora noted that Ciel has the very same bad habit as himself.

"Oh well, maybe he's comfortable that they're actually healing..." that's all he can assumed as he finally stepped out of the tent, leaving the worn out leader to have his peaceful slumber.

'Now, to deal with the others...'

"Yo!" -speaking of the devil

"Err... Takeshi, right?" Sora asked, trying to be friendly.

"Ale? Did Ciel mentioned about me?" He asked with a smile despite how his glinting eyes tells another story. Sora was glad that Reborn had thought him enough, not to panic in this kind of confrontation.

"Actually, yes. He said something about newbie gears for me." Takeshi didn't bother to hide his feelings anymore. Although the next words that was said weren't coming from his mouth.

"—heh, so you're officially going to be part of us, now?" the voice was undoubtedly belongs to the older Mist. Sora could tell despite how the said person's standing within the shadow.

"To think that Ciel would accept such a wimp like you. Honestly, I can't see you as anything but an empty threat—

"—wanna try me, then?" The brunet challenged, unfazed by the insult.

"Oya? Ciel is sleeping. I don't want to be his venting victim later on." Said the indigonet with a sinister smirk despite the shrug.

Sora doesn't take the bait. All that he did is hums, "Oh well, A gun and a sword, both I'm rather familiar with. Can't actually call myself a newbie at this. But you're right, it's better for Ciel to have his peaceful rest. He seemed to be needing it a lot"

Heteromatic eyes assessing the look the older brunet has. But so far, Mukuro can't feel any ill intent from the other. Well, not that that he would lower his guard around the stranger. He was, however, not expecting to saw the sad gaze he has...

It was actually painful to see the similar face of someone that he's actually looking up to with such of expression. He didn't even realize that he's been staring...

'This guy... who is he really?'


Exactly two hours later, Sora found himself walking back to the tent to wake Ciel as promised.

"Seriously... why does everyone so scared to wake him up? Ciel can't possibly as dangerous when he's barely wake up, right?" He muttered under his breath, reprimanding on how Reborn, back in his past life, always hitting him awake until he's finally able to successfully dodged away.

The thoughts of the hit man brought a sense of nostalgia within him. However, Sora then halted on his track when he saw that his younger counterpart is actually awake— seemingly too focused to hear him coming.

He also noticed how the smaller boy hurriedly pocketing something upon his sudden arrival, and couldn't help but asked, "hee? What was that?"

Innocent question answered by a glare, Ciel tossed his blanket as he immediately back on his feet, "It's nothing of your concern. And you have no rights to talk about it to anyone, understand?"

Their eyes locked for a second, before Sora finally gave up with a sigh, "yeah, yeah, whatever..." he said, "but anyway, how are you doing? Better?" The older asked in genuine worry whilst his counterpart just hummed.

"The injuries are mostly healed. If I hadn't known any better, I'd be genuinely spook out myself" Ciel said, rubbing his torned clothes he wear with a frown, one that Sora is unfamiliar with.

"But Anyway, how was your practice?" Asked Ciel, now fully turning his attention to Sora.

"I skipped it—"

"—what?" The younger narrow his eyes, showing how unpleasant he is. Sora just merely snickered.

"Well, It's true that I don't know the life of an underdog. But I'm not a stanger to underworld. Especially not with this..." Sora said while choking the gun, eyes sharpens, ready to shoot.

"Can't say that I'm surprised," Ciel admitted as he folded his arms, "at least I now know that I could leave you on your own."

"—you're leaving?" Sora raised a brow at the subtle implication.

"Yeah, to meet someone." The serious look he held causing Sora to raise a brow.

"Let me guess. Since we're in Italy— is it mafia?"

Ciel smirked, "Heh, Hyper Intuition?"

Sora chuckled, "a ridiculous name, don't you think?" The other hummed.

"Yeah, well... I still won't let you come with me either way" Ciel said, knowing exactly what's the older thinking.

"Hee... why?"

"It's better that way. I don't know how's Mafia in your world, but they're not as friendly over here. And before we settle the whole thing between us, I'm so not going to get unnecessarily hurt because of you. It'll be too dangerous for both of us." Ciel explained, narrow eyes locked at the other pair who later pouted.

"Fine~" he whines, "just... come back alive, okay?"

"Heh, and who do you think you were talking to? If anything I should be the one who warns you about not getting in any trouble while I'm away."

Sora just simply smiled.

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