Answers needed

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Rilascio, the name of the group under Ciel's leadership, used to only have 4 members including himself. The only three other people who share similar shitty life as the brunet. Destra, Sinistra, and Ginger88. No one knows where he came from and what he'd gone through outside their little circle.

The Four filthy dogs who's reapected by many gangs in Italy and mostly feared by those in Sicily. Unlike Ciel who still in contacts with Vongola, Destra and Sinistra went their separate ways as hitwoman and assassin, whilst Ginger88 went missing since the day Papa Dean gave them freedom.

It was indeed suspicious that the sly old mam would let them go just like that. But overall, they wouldn't waste their life by not taking that golden opportunity. Ciel was the only one left...

Sora had heard this story from the same girl who's been telling him about his eyes similarly with Ciel's. The one who has awfully familiar raven hair and bright smile. The only difference was the age gap of this world and her.

"Hey... won't you at least tell me your name, little girl?" He asked before the young lad can join her friends.

But then, as she turned around with her gummy smile displayed, he regretted that he had ever asked.

"—my friends called me Kat. It's nice to meet you!" She introduced before then running away.

Running away. Leaving him behind. Just like before— he was left alone.

'No! What was I thinking! This Kat is different. She's not her. And she didn't leave me. I'm the one who left. Get yourself together, Tsuna!' Sora said to himself as he clapped his own cheeks twice.

"Hey, Wait—!" He was about to call the little girl again, but was stopped by a certain silvernet.

"—you better not getting any closer to Miss. Kat, stranger." Hayato said, eyes glinting in warning.

"You were lucky that she was the one who came to you. However, that's as far as you'll ever be. I won't hesistate if you ever get to near her again." In place of his lack of dynamites Sora saw him ready to reach on his hidden guns. The older male decided that it's better to listen to the rash teen. Ciel had asked him to behave, and he shouldn't cause the boy any more trouble.

So, putting his hands up in defense, Sora retreated, "alright, alright, there's no need to treat me like a criminal geez. It's not like I'm somekind of pedophilia or anything" he rolls his eyes in mock, but it seems like this Hayato is not as impulsive as the one he knew. Although, he must admit that that glare was quite alarming.

"Well then, if you guys are done here, may I tell you that boss are expecting Sora at the quarter. Hayato please show him the way..." said a one eyed girl with Indigo hair. It was too bad that Sora can't tell which name is safe to call her. Is it Nagi? Or is it Chrome? Either way, he's lucky that Hayato has responded her first.

"Tch. Why did boss even needs him for when he has us?" The silvernet complained, but the girl just shrugged.

"Who knows... It's boss that we're talking about. Or will you doubt him now?" The male clicked his tongue again while Sora can't help but frown.

This confident was too foreign. His mist guardian's alike were too different. And the way she snickered at him. It's almost as if she saw two Mukuros instead. But even so, he didn't say a word. It's not his place to. Therefore all he did is nod as he soon follow the male teen to the place where Ciel's waiting for him...

A secret passage. He shouldn't have surprised to see one. I mean, true that it seemed to have been abandoned for years, and the neighborhood screamed nothing but gang territory. Still, he can't help but thinkmhow reckless it is to have one right under the building.

'In any case, there's actually two exists. One from where we came from and this one...' he noted. Afterall, it might come handy someday. Always take a good look and quick assessment of your surroundings, that's one of the things Reborn taught him.

A soft knock over the dirty white door as the only person inside finally paid attention of their arrival, "the others?"

"Ryohei and Takeshi are treating the wounded, including Lambo. As for Chrome, she went back to her folks with Mukuro, and so does Kyoya to his own." Hayato reported.

"you may leave." Ordered the younger brunet again as the latter do as told with a simple nod.

Ciel then gave his counterpart a look before telling him to seat at the sofa on the opposite of him, "close the door while you're at it..." and so there's only the two of them inside.

"Chrome said that you wanted you talk to me?" The smaller brunet just took out the item he was hiding before.

"One of Dean's men dropped this before I shot him. It has the same strange aura with Schnier's flame, if weaker." Said him as he put the thing on the table for the other to look.

"-That old man seems to be desperate about this cheap trash. And I want you to tell me the reason"

Sora saw the metallic pocket watch and immediately noticed a certain gems that he himself used to own, back in his own world. The frown that he unconsciously made was taking the younger's curiosity.

"So, you do know something..." Ciel said, eyes sharpening as he made a pose.

"Y-Yeah... more less. Although, I never thought that any one here can ever possesses this. Afterall, I can't sense any flames within you all. So, I assumed..." Said Sora, as he observed the gems even more carefully. In which it has successfully gained the young gun's interest.

'Flames, huh?'

Slowly, Ciel's trademark smirks made its appearance as he said, "Tell me everything..."

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