How You Meet

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It was a bright and sunny day, so you decided to take your corgi out to the dog park. You were playing fetch with your dog throwing his favorite tennis ball around.Once  when you threw it your dog didn't come back right away, after waiting a few seconds for him to return you started to panic . You went around the park frantically searching for your little guy. After searching the whole park your eyes started to water realizing that he was no longer in the park, that he could've been anywhere. As soon as the tears started to fall from your eyes you heard your dog barking, making your heart race. He was in the arms of some stranger, but you didn't care you were just so relieved he was safe. "Oh my God, thank you!" you said happily while taking your dog out of the strangers arms. "No problem, I know how it is to lose a dog" he chuckled. You finally looked up at the stranger and took in his beauty, making your heart skip a beat. The stranger felt the same way about you and asked you out to lunch, sparking a two year relationship and still going strong. 


It was a warm Friday night and you and your friends decided to go bowling. The place was packed all the lanes were full of people having fun and the bar was filled with people waiting to bowl. You and your friends were put all the way  at the last lane. While strapping up your shoes another group came to the lane right next to yours. All of the guys were very handsome but you couldn't take your eyes off of the bald one. His smile was wide and bright making you feel warm inside. His t-shirt clung to his muscular body and his pants hung just a little low off of his body. While checking him out your eyes locked making your heart beat harder than ever before. He just smiled and winked at you making you shyly smile in return. For the rest of the night you two kept exchanging looks and flirty smiles. When your group finished your first game of bowling, you made your way to the bar, ordering your favorite drink, a mikes hard lemonade. While waiting the handsome man came to sit beside you and you two talked for the whole night, completely forgetting about your friends. Once the night ended he asked you to go to dinner later that week which you happily agreed to. That dinner was the start of your beautiful one year relationship. 


You had just gotten out of a serious two year relationship. Instead of moping around and being miserable you took this time to focus on yourself. You decided that you wanted to try and lose 10-20 pounds. You walked up to the gym you recently signed up for nervous. You never really worked out because you never really had time, and was afraid that people would judge you. But you took a deep breathe and walked in as confident as possible. You decided to start off easy and get on the treadmill, running a mild speed. Once you started to feel comfortable you increased the speed, making you work harder. As you were running you got  text from your friend distracting you, next thing you knew you lost your footing and fell right off of the treadmill. You laid there on the floor embarrassed and a little sore. But that's when someone knelt down beside you asking if you were alright. You nodded your head and the polite stranger reached out his hand helping you up. Once off the floor you took in the polite strangers features, he had big brown curly hair, bright blue eyes and the kindest smile on his face. Once you saw his smile you couldn't help but to laugh at the whole situation, making him laugh also. "Don't be embarrassed I've fallen on my butt more than I care to admit" he laughed. After your workout, you two went to get some frozen yogurt and laugh about all of your embarrassing and clumsy stories. Since you just got out of a relationship you didn't want to jump back into another one so you two stayed friends for a while. After being friends for seven months you two finally decided to try out being in a relationship, you two have  happily been together for a year and a half.


For the past couple of days it has been raining non-stop and finally today the sun was out and shining bright. So you decided to take your bike out for a ride on the town. As you were taking in the sights you were also listening to your favorite singer on your phone, zoning out the world. So when you went to take a turn you didn't hear the other bike ringing it's bell to tell you to watch out. You two collided sending you off of your bike onto the hard concrete. You felt a sharp pain in your wrist and feared the worse. "I'm sorry miss, are you ok?" the other cyclists asked kneeling on the ground next to you. "I'm afraid that I broke my wrist" you said trying to stop from crying because of the pain. He gently helped you up and got you both a taxi. "You don't have to come to the hospital with me" you said to the handsome man. While riding you noticed his perfect features. His jaw and cheekbones could cut steel, his skin was beautiful and brown with pink plump lips and beautiful brown eyes. His hair was done so perfectly he had to be straight out of a magazine. You wondered why such a gorgeous man was wasting his time on you. "I don't mind, bedsides if I didn't make sure you were ok it would eat at me all week" he replied snatching you out of your thoughts. Once at the hospital you got seen immediately, after a lot of x-rays and some poking and prodding the doctor finally came in. "I'm sorry but you have a broken wrist" he said making the tears you were holing in all day finally fall. "We'll get you fitted for a cast and on some pain meds soon" the doctor said before leaving the room. As you cried, Siva, as you learned his name engulfed you in a hug instantly calming you down and making you feel protected. "You'll be ok, it's only going to hurt a little longer" he whispered in your ear while rubbing small soothing circles on your back with his hand.  After getting your cast and pain meds, Siva, took you home and helped to take of you. He came over everyday checking up on you and bringing you some delicious food. During your time together you two fell for each other and have been together four years since. 


You were working all day today and ready to have some fun. Most people hate their jobs but not you, you get to work at a pet store all day and love animals. If you could you would adopt all of the animals and let them live with you, but sadly your apartment doesn't allow pets. While you were feeding the puppies a very cute guy walked in. He had on a hat covering his hair and wore black glasses over his bright green eyes, and his smile was so wide and bright when he saw the puppies he made you smile. "Hi how can I help you?" you asked "I want to adopt a puppy" he replied in a surprisingly deep but sexy voice. "Here there are, no matter which you pick you can't go wrong" you said petting one of the adorable puppies. "I think I'm in love" he said locking eyes with you, for a second there it felt like he was talking about you "...with the...d-dog" he stuttered making him even more cute. "Baxter here, he's a very good boy" you said petting the dog in his arms. "If I had to pick a dog to watch movies and drink tea with all day it would be him. His presence is so big and joyful, he can't be missed" you said. "Do you have any dogs?" he asked you out of the blue. "I would absolutely love to but my apartment doesn't accept pets" you said sadly. "I'm sorry. But if we exchange numbers you can come and visit Baxter here anytime you'd like" he said smiling shyly. You gladly exchanged numbers with the cute guy, making you anxious for his text or call. The next day he called you to hangout at the dog park and get a nice lunch with him and Baxter.  Every since that day you two have been together for two years. 

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