How the Fans Feel About Your Relationship

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At first the fans weren't sure about you guys relationship and to be honest you don't blame them. At first you two butted heads a lot and there was even a rumor of him cheating on you. But once the rumors were found false and you two realized that you butt heads so much is because you're pretty much the exact person things just fell into place. You two could always joke about each other no matter how mean or inappropriate  it was. The fans and everyone around you felt like you two were made for each other. 


They absolutely love you two together. The way you two have each others back no matter what makes everyone believe that you two will make it in the long run. There was once even a video going around of you cheering him on during a drinking contest with Tom, showing the love you two share.


Everyone is split down the middle. Everyone around you two support the relationship, but half of the fans want you to split and the other half already want invites to the wedding. Sometimes the hateful comments become to much for you to handle but Jay, everyone around you and some of the fans help to keep your spirits up. 


There isn't a single drop of doubt that you two were made for each other. Every cheesy love song to ever exist describes your relationship. You always catch him staring at you and vice versa, the boys are sick of hearing stories about you, it's so disgustingly cute.  But you can't hide your love for each other and refuse to. 


About 95% of the fans don't think you two belong together. They think you're just here for the money and fame. But none of that matters because all they get to see is what is shown, they don't get to see how you two are behind closed doors. How you both care for each other, and how you two interact with each other like a couple of goofballs.  Whenever the fans are rude and try to get you down Nathan always jumps on Twitter or Instagram defending you, and then makes a big pot of tea or hot coca and watch your favorite movie. 

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