First Fight

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Tonight was the fourth night in a row Tom had went out with the boys and didn't come back until early the next morning. You would always feel the bed sink and then your nose filled with the stench of alcohol. You were tired of his behavior and wanted your goofy, silly, and sweet boyfriend back and to yourself. It was 2:35 a.m. and you were sitting up waiting for him to tell him how you felt. Once you heard the door being unlocked you stood up ready to state your mind. "Tom this is to much" you said angry but calm. "What are you going on about?" he slurred walking by you. "This is the fourth night you've come home like this! Do you think this is ok?" "look i'm out all day busting my ass to keep you nice and comfortable. I think I'm entitled to have a little fun". You were taken back by his words which made you more mad at him. "I don't need your money! I was doing just fine on my own before you came crashing in my life!" you yelled "Fine then if you don't need me then leave! There are thousands of women who'd happily take your place" he spit back making you start to cry. "I'll pack up my things first thing in the morning" you said quietly walking up the stairs. If this is how he truly felt then you don't want to be with him anyways, you thought to yourself.  Early that next morning you awoke to the smell of bacon, making you almost forget about what took place last night. You slowly made your way downstairs to see what was going on. You saw Tom standing over the stove shirtless cooking breakfast. Once he heard the last step creak under your feet he turned around smiling the smile you always loved. "Morning!" he shouted still smiling "morning" you replied a little confused " were still supposed to be in bed but I think this will work" he said walking towards you. He took your hands in his "I'm so sorry for my actions last night and the nights before. You're right I should make time for you and learn to say no when the boys ask me out to drinks". You looked into his big brown eyes and knew he was telling the truth but something still nagged at you "I accept your apology but do you really think I'm just here for your money?" you asked "Of course not! You work harder than me, even on my tough days!" he said making you chuckle. You couldn't resit him no matter what, so you stood on your tippy toes and kissed him. Letting him know that all was well between you two.


You were out at the bar with Max and the rest of the boys. While you were sitting at the bar waiting for your drink your coworker Dean came up to you surprising you. You gave him a big hug and talked for a while. Dean was always your favorite coworker you two always joked that he was your work husband. During your conversation Max came up to you, looking angry. "Excuse me can I talk to my girlfriend for a second" he said grabbing your hand and pulling you outside. "Max what's wrong?" you asked confused "You flirting with that guy right in front of me is what's wrong" he said angrily "wait what" you said in disbelief "I should've known you were a hoe when I got you in bed the first night" he spat. You were frozen by his horrible words for a few quick seconds before you slapped him. "Fuck you Max, you're the biggest man whore I've ever seen. I only slept with you because you were begging so much" you said storming off "Oh and  by the way he's gay" you shouted back at him. Two days later you got  text from Jay asking him to meet you at one of your favorite bars. You knew it was probably Max since you wouldn't answer him, but you went anyways. When you walked in to no shock you saw Max there standing in the middle of the floor. "Sooooo" you trailed off waiting for him to talk "I'm sorry for the other night. My jealousy has always gotten the best of me and last night it just went way to far. You never were nor will be a hoe or anything bad in my eyes. And I hope you'll forgive me" he pleaded.  You wanted to punch him in the face so hard, but at the same time you've missed his lips. You didn't say a word and walked towards him and sweetly kissed him. As you pulled away you punched him in the arm not to hard but hard enough. "Ouch!!" he yelled in pain making you smile. "I forgive you" you said simply going in for another kiss. 


You and Jay fought a lot. But it was never a big fight it was always small and silly fights that you would laugh about ten minutes later. So when you two were arguing over who would pay for dinner it was no surprise. "Bird you paid last time" you said snatching the bill out of his hands. "Ok but mines was more expensive so I should pay" he argued. "No it doesn't matter" you said back. You two just kept going back and forth until the bill ripped in half, which gave you a great idea to split the bill down the middle and Jay agreed. As you were looking for your credit card Jay got up to go to the bathroom leaving you at the table alone. You finally found your card and grabbed the attention of the waitress "I'd like to pay for the whole meal" you said handing her your card. You thought you had outsmarted the clever curly headed man but to your shock the waitress replied "Your boyfriend already paid and left the tip" you just smiled sweetly at the lady letting her walk away. "Ready babe?" Jay questioned returning to the table. "I'm going to kill you" you said making him laugh and run out of the restaurant.  You finally caught up to him and playfully punched him "You sneak!" you yelled at him with a smile on your face, he just shrugged his shoulders and kissed you. 


You were sick with a cold, so Seev decided to stay home with you and take care of you. While you were laying in your shared king bed he was downstairs making you some chicken noodle soup. That's when his phone went off signaling a text. You and Seev completely trust each other so he doesn't mind when you answer his phone and vice versa. You looked at the text and saw it was from his ex and it read "Had so much fun last night. Can't wait to see you again". You never took Siva as the cheating type so you couldn't believe what you read over and over again. While reading the text for the hundredth time Seev came in the room with your soup "Who is it?" he asked "It's your ex" you replied angrily. Hearing this Siva stopped dead in his tracks which only proved your initial thought. "Apparently you two had a lot of fun last night and she can't wait to see you again" you said paraphrasing the text. "So instead of out with the boys you were out with her?" you questioned getting out of the bed. "I can explain" Siva said setting the soup on the night stand and taking a seat on the bed. "Last night I did go out with the boys, and we started a drinking game and I got very drunk" he sighed "Next thing I knew I was flirting with her. But I never did anything else and the boys got me out of there as soon as they realized I would be making the biggest mistake of my life" he explained. "Flirting is still cheating" you said close to crying. You thought he was your night in shining armor but it felt like he was just your idiot in tin foil. "I know and I know I messed up royally. I hope you can forgive me and trust me again" he pleaded with big eyes. You took a deep breathe and composed yourself before you said something you'd regret. "I forgive you but it'll take a while to get my trust back to where it was before" you explained "And that's completely reasonable" he agreed. You kissed him on the cheek not on the lips so you wouldn't spread any germs. You know he feels terrible for it and he'd never do anything like this again. So getting your trust back shouldn't be to hard for him.


You were at the recording studio with Nathan and the rest of the boys not wanting to be stuck in the house all day and to spend sometime with Nath. While he was singing his part in the booth you and Max started goofing around. Over these past months you and the boys grew close but Max was defiantly your best friend. Whenever you needed to talk or just to laugh at something he was always there. While you two were sharing horrible dad jokes Nath was getting jealous in the booth. "Can I take five" he said leaving the booth angry. "I better go check on him" you said going out into the hall where he was standing. "Babe what's wrong?" you questioned going to stand in front of him. "It's hard for me to tell are you dating me or Max?" he asked harshly "You're jealous?" you asked confused, he just stood there still mad. "Nath, look I love Max but I love him like a brother. I love all of those idiots in there, that's what you wanted anyways. Or do you want me to hate them?" you asked "I want you guys to get along of course but..." "Trust me nothing is going on but we'll calm it down if that'll make you feel better" you compromised. "No that's not necessary" he smiled. "Good. Now wanna get back in there and sing for me?" you asked smiling up at him "Of course" he smiled back giving you a quick kiss. 

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