I Love the Way You...

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Tom:  Kiss me. Whenever you and Tom kiss it's never a quick peck. You two always kiss like it's the last time you'll ever see each other. This mostly leading to sex or the other boys groaning in disgust as you two 'suck each other's faces off' as they say. 

Max: Laugh. Max is always making corny jokes. But whenever you're around he always makes more jokes than usual. It's because he loves the way you laugh. You smile wide and your eyes crinkle at the corner. He can always feel your body shake against his. To him your laugh always brightens up the room. 

Jay: Go with the flow. Everyone knows that Jay is the most laid back person in the group. That's why you two are perfect for each other. You're laid back personality matches his perfectly. Whenever around the guys you two just go with the flow and make jokes when given the chance. He loves this because the last girl he was with thought he was being lazy and didn't care about them, but you know differently and he knows you love him too. 

Siva: Appreciate me. With Siva it always feels as though he is picked last. Even when it came to the fans it always felt as though he was their last choice. But you always questioned why no one could see or love Siva the way that you could. He was absolutely beautiful and the sweetest person you've ever met. You wouldn't put anyone before him and for that he wouldn't put anyone before you either. 

Nathan: Sing. Nathan was of course a great singer no question. Around him you always felt self-conscious about your singing. You knew you weren't the best singer but that's what Nathan loved. Even though you weren't the best when you got into your song you sang it with so much heart and effort he couldn't help but to watch and smile in awe. He also loved how one song would come on you would say how it was your favorite but also said the same about the next ten songs to play. 

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