What kind of Pet You Get Together

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He got you an adorable Husky for your one year anniversary. Now he complains that you love that dog more than him. Which always makes you laugh and reply only sometimes. But he knows you have enough love in your heart for the both of your boys.


You two wanted to take your relationship to the next level but wasn't exactly sure how. But then Tom had the bright idea for you two to get a fish. Even though he said it as a joke you guys thought it was a great idea to start off slow and simple. But unfortunately the goldfish didn't even make it a week you two kept forgetting to feed it.  But you didn't worry you knew your relationship was strong.


While at the pet store shopping for a friendly pet Jay got attached to a black and brown python, making your skin crawl. Your biggest phobia was snakes, no matter what anyone said about them you were still afraid of them. "Jay no, absolutely not!" you said walking away. As you looked at the the hamsters you saw Jay looking at the fish with a sad look on his face making you feel awful. "Fine. you can get it, but don't let me see it out of it's cage or else it's gone" you compromised. "Of course!" Jay yelled running to get his snake. Three weeks later you woke up to the snake crawling into your bed giving you a heart attack and almost killing Jay. But he got to keep the snake still.


Most days while Seev was out doing his interviews, promotions, and recording you were home lonely and wanting some company. Siva took notice of how his not being there was affecting you and came home with a gift for you. He brought you a golden kitten with big green eyes that just melted your heart. "I know I haven't been around as much as you would like. And I appreciate and love your patience and understanding. But this is so you won't be as lonely" he said while you cuddled the cute kitten. You couldn't love Siva anymore for bringing such a cute animal into your life. 


One day while at home watching movies and eating popcorn you and Nath heard a small squeak somewhere in the apartment. You two paused the movie and went a search to find the source of the noise. After looking everywhere you two just couldn't find it, until you dropped your phone and went to pick it up. You screamed in fear seeing  a baby rat camouflaged with the dark color of your rug. Nath picked up the baby and smiled, making you confused. "We should nurse him back to health" Nath said grabbing some milk from the fridge and putting it in a small bowl. At first you were against keeping a pet rat but after a while you warmed up to it and ended up loving him. Once he was big and able to take care of himself you two released it into your back yard. After a couple of days you two missed having a pet to take care of so you went down to the pet store and got a cute all black hamster. 

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