He Makes You Cry

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Tom: Today you and Tom were hanging out with the boys in the studio. They were working on their new album, which you were excited for. You absolutely love their music but never realized how long it takes to put a whole album together. While Jay and Siva were in the booth singing their part you and Tom were cuddled up on the couch. You were having trouble keeping your eyes open and soon fell asleep not able to fight it anymore. While napping you felt Tom's body shake with his loud joyous laughter. You opened your eyes for a second but decided on going back to sleep which was much needed. Before falling asleep you heard Tom start to talk "Max, mate don't make me laugh I don't want to wake her" you heard Tom say which made you smile inside. "I'm surprised, this is your longest relationship yet. She must be something special" you heard Max claim. "Yea she is, I think she's the one honestly" "wait what?!" max said shocked "shut up!" Tom chuckled "but seriously I would've gotten bored and cheated by now but I don't want to do anything to lose her. So even if I have to sit here for the rest of my life so I won't wake her I will" he said.  After he said that you started to cry "Wait babe are you awake?" Tom asked looking down at you, you just nodded your head the tears still pouring. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop, I was trying to go to sleep but I couldn't" you explained. "It's ok, i'm just glad you know how I feel" he said kissing your forehead and then wiping your tears away. "I love you"  he whispered smiling at you "I love you too" you  said back still trying to hold back the tears. 

Max: You and Max were home all day today as a part of your relaxation day. The only time you two got off the couch was to use the bathroom, answer the delivery guy at the door or to grab snacks. You and Max laid down at the opposite ends of the couch your feet meeting in the middle. As you were starting to fall asleep your legs accidentally stretched out too far kicking Max in the butt. Not thinking of it he kicked you back, which started a foot fight between you two. You playfully kicked each other back and forth for control over the couch making you two laugh. In the midst of your play fight Max kicked to hard and ended up kicking you in the face on accident. You fell off the couch crying in pain and blood dripping from your busted lip. "Oh my God Y/N!  are you ok?" Max asked hysterically looking at you on the verge of crying himself. He helped you off the floor into the bathroom to try and stop your lip from bleeding. He held up a piece of tissue to your lips trying to stop the bleeding but the blood quickly soaked through the material. "I think you need stitches" Max said looking at you with an apologetic face. As he drove you to the hospital he apologized over and over again. Since it hurt to talk every time he apologized you just nodded your head and squeezing his hand letting him know you weren't mad. After an hour in the waiting room and waiting for the doctor to show up you went home on some pain medicine and with five stitches in your bottom lip. You couldn't kiss him for two days because your lip was so sore. And the guys make fun of him calling him 'Messi' after the famous soccer player. 

Jay: You went out to the bar with Jay and the boys tonight. Whenever you go out with them it's always the same, you both get black out drunk and can't remember the previous night. It's a wonder how you two have made it this far without hurting yourselves. The next morning, well more like afternoon when you woke up Jay was still asleep next to you. You checked your phone and realized people have been blowing you up every since late last night. You unlocked your phone and it was a video of Jay in the bar talking to the bartender. "Have you seen my girlfriend?" he slurred "What does she look like?" the bartender asked. "Uhh...amazing!?" you heard him shout in the video. "I hope I didn't lose her. She's everything to me and I have no idea what I did before her or what i'll do if she leaves" you heard him say drunk off his ass. You were laughing and crying all in one. He was so cute and drunk it made you laugh but the fact that he felt this strongly about your love made you cry. "Jay!" you heard your voice yell out in the video. When Jay's eyes landed on you he engulfed you in a huge hug and started crying "I thought I lost you" you heard him cry. "No you dork I was peeing!" you heard your voice reply. When Jay woke up you showed him the video and he laughed so much he started to cry. 

Siva: Siva and the guys were on a press tour for the past few weeks. You missed Siva so much you couldn't take it, so you coordinated with the guys to help you surprise him. It was Jay and Nath's  job to keep him distracted so you could sneak into his hotel room. Tom and Max helped you bypass all the security and all of the screaming fangirls. Your plan was to hide in the closet and jump out once he walked in to surprise and scare him all in one. Once in the closet it took about three minutes before he, Nathan and Jay walked in. Just as you were about to jump out of the closet you heard Jay talking " I know it's been a couple of weeks, you must really miss Y/N?" Jay asked. "actually not really" you heard Siva start "I like hanging out with her but she's gotten really clingy lately it's nice to have my own space. I kinda miss my ex, she was independent and didn't need me as much" he said.  Hearing Siva say this about you really hurt your feelings.  You thought that you both felt the same about your relationship but you were wrong. Soon you couldn't keep the tears in. "Hey, I got to show you something in my room" you heard Nath tell Siva. "Yea you guys go ahead I got to go to the bathroom really really bad" Jay said finding an excuse to stay behind. Once Nathan and Siva left you came out of the closet with the tears falling. "I'm so sorry!" Jay said hugging you. As you were in Jay's embrace the door opened, you looked up and saw Siva standing there with a confused look on his face. Before anyone could say anything you ran out of the room and the building embarrassed. Once you made it outside to your car you just cried your heart out. You didn't know that Siva could be so mean or hurt you so much. As you sat there your door opened and you knew it was Siva just from his cologne. "I'm sorry babe" Siva said trying to hold your hand which you snatched away. "I just think we need a little space" he said breaking your heart even more. You slowly nodded your head in agreement not wanting to keep Siva there if he didn't want to be with you. After being apart for three months Siva contacted you out of the blue. Turns out he missed you a lot and was a wreck without you. After he hurt you, you decided to be friends first and establish some boundaries between each other. A few weeks later you two got back together and made sure to give each other space and to communicate with each other.  

Nathan: May of the fans don't like you and Nathan together. Most of them think that you're just using him for his money but everyone around you two know that isn't the case. One day while you two were relaxing in bed together you uploaded a picture of you two together. The picture quickly got a lot of likes but the hateful comments flooded in. You always restrain yourself and stay away from the comment section. But even when you do you can still see the majority of the comment when the notification appears on your phone.  Soon all of the hate became to much to take and you got up going into the bathroom cutting on the water so Nathan couldn't hear you cry. But little did you know he already saw all of the comments while strolling his Instagram feed. Quickly he went live to address the haters. "So I just saw that Y/N uploaded a picture of us together and sadly some of you didn't hold back your hate for her. You guys call yourselves our biggest fans but hurt the ones we love the most. If you really cared about us like you claim you would stop and get to know her. Once you did you would learn that she is the sweetest person ever, she puts everyone before herself and doesn't expect anything in return. She makes me smile no matter what, even when she's just sitting on the other end of the couch reading a book. She is effortlessly beautiful and for everyone who is concerned she never once asked me to buy her anything. I either buy it for her as a surprise or she buys it herself. Once you get to know her you'll love her this I promise. But I won't let you guys disrespect her any longer. So you either love both of us or hate both of us you don't get to choose" he said angrily. While in the bathroom you didn't realize that Nathan went live. You composed yourself and walked out of the bathroom. Nathan looked at you with a soft sweet smile making you feel much better. After crying your eyes out you took a nap wanting to forget the day. Once you woke up you and Nathan were trending on Twitter. You were afraid to look but the hashtag caught your attention it read #NathanLovesY/N! You opened twitter and watched the video of Nathan sticking up for you. As soon as the video ended you ran up to Nathan with tears all over your face. "I love you too babe!" you yelled hugging him tightly. " I love you!" he said kissing your lips. 

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