How He Asks You to Move In

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Tom: After being together for one month you spent the night at his apartment for the first time ever. The next morning while eating breakfast together he told you how much he enjoyed having you over for the night being able to hold and kiss you all through out the night. Jokingly you told him you never wanted to leave and he responded by asking you to move in. At first you thought he was just messing around but once you looked at him you realized he was serious. Your first thought was to say no but then thinking about how you feel absolutely madly in love with him after one month and how much fun you had last night you said yes. By the next week you had all of your stuff in his apartment and gave the key to your landlord back. 

Max: Him and he boys were on tour for the past three months which made you miss him miserably. While at work your phone started to ring from an unknown number. For the first two times you hit decline thinking nothing of it. After the third call you answered annoyed. "Hello?" you answered "Hi, is this Y/N?" the voice asked "yes, why?" "your boyfriend Max George is on my show and we have  a question for you but first can you turn your tv on to channel 13" "uhhhh...yea" you answered turning on the tv in the  break room catching everyone's attention. Once you got the right channel you realized that this phone call was live which made you get really nervous all of a sudden. The host handed the phone to Max "Hey babe are you watching?" Max asked "yea what's going on?" "I was calling to ask you if you would move in with me?" he asked you could tell he was nervous not only from his voice but from his face turning red, which was really cute. Suddenly you realized that everyone was waiting on you to answer even your coworkers. "yes, of course!" you squealed. You heard all of the boys in the background shouting and saw them all jumping on max making you laugh. Two months later when he finally came off tour he and the boys helped you move into his apartment. 

Jay: It was the eighth day in a row that Jay had spent the night at your house. He had his stuff all around your apartment and even brought a toothbrush from the store down the road. It already looked like he's been living there for days. That night when you two went to bed you got to talking. "You know you've been here forever" you said sleepily. "Are you getting tired of me already?"he asked concern and sadness lacing his voice. "Of course not!" you exclaimed "I'm just saying I love having you here" "I love being here" he said squeezing you tight. "Hey crazy thought let's move in together" he said reading your mind. "I was just thinking the same thing!" you squealed sitting up in bed with excitement. He sat up next to you giving you a kiss on the lips. Once he pulled  away he looked around your apartment in thought "But lets move into my apartment it's bigger" he chuckled. That weekend you guys moved all of your things into his apartment making it the best weekend ever.

Siva: When you woke up this morning you realized that Siva left super early that morning leaving a note in his place. The note read 'Dear Y/N, I have a surprise for you tonight. Everything you'll need is at Jay's house. Love Seev'. While you were eating cereal you got a text from Jay asking you to come over around three, you replied saying you'll be there. Once you arrived at Jay's house you knocked, him immediately opening the door. "Y/N!!!" he shouted giving you a big hug. "The apartment is all yours" he said leaving "Wait where are you going?" you asked confused "Siva asked me to give you your privacy and space so I'm going out. Have fun!" he said walking to his car. You walked into Jay's apartment and saw three people sitting there. "uhm...hi?" you said still confused. "Y/N?" one of them asked, you just nodded your head. "What's going on?" you asked "Siva hired us to make you look absolutely perfect tonight" they said getting up.  "First you'll come with me, we have to pick out a dress" she led you into Jay's guest room and you saw a rack full of beautiful dresses. After trying on many dresses you both picked out a purple and silver dress. The top was one sleeve silver with rhinestones all over it. The bottom was a purple tutu with silver rhinestones all over it. It stopped mid thigh and flared out, you paired it with nude platforms that had silver spikes and rhinestones all over the straps. Afterwards the guy doing your hair curled it and put it up in a messy bun with curls framing your face and neck. The makeup lady made your lips a beautiful shade of purple with purple and silver eye shadow and the rest of your makeup light. Once you  were dressed there was a knock on the door, it was a driver there to pick you up. The car was a all black Audi with tinted windows. After a 15 minute drive you finally pulled up to a small house in a quiet neighborhood. You were really confused but went along with it not knowing what Seev had up his sleeve. You walked into the house and saw Siva standing in the middle of what seemed to be the den in a all black tuxedo with a white tuxedo shirt. When he first saw you he just smiled the biggest smile you've ever seen on his face "you look amazing" he whispered as he kissed you. "Thank you but Seev what is going on?" you asked. "I put an offer on this house. I know how you always wanted to start a family in a small house. So I hope you like it" he said nervously. once he showed you the house you were completely in love with the house and you couldn't hide your smile.  "Seev I love it!" you exclaimed in excitement "You do?" "Yes! Let's buy it!" you yelled hugging him. After you two planned where everything in the house would go there was a knock on the door. Siva had your favorite restaurant deliver. You two sat eating on the kitchen floor of your new home. You two moved in the next month.  

Nathan: You and Nath were out shopping today. For most people shopping is how they relax but to you and Nath it was stressful, you would rather sit on the couch watching movies together. After the last store Nath drove around seeming lost. "Babe what are you looking for?" you asked when he started going in what seemed like circles. "nowhere" he mumbled grumpily. After riding around for an hour Nath finally pulled into a gas station and sighed heavily. "Are you going to tell me what's going on?" you asked trying not to get frustrated. He just handed you his phone looking defeated. You saw an apartment on the screen that looked like everything you ever wanted in an apartment. "I was trying to find it to put in an application but I can't" he said making you upset not only because it was everything you wanted but because he sounded so upset. "Babe, it's ok I'd rather move into your apartment anyways. Its cozy, cheaper and we won't have to move everything just my stuff" you said cheering him up. "wait are you sure? we can find something better". You shook your head no, even though Nathan's apartment wasn't your dream apartment it was a big step up from your current one and you know you would be happy anywhere as long as you're with him. You kissed him sweetly telling him that you didn't care where you two lived as long as you were with him. The next day the guys were helping you move your stuff into his apartment. 

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