Chapter 8

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DNA - Little Mix

We Are Young - 5 Seconds of Summer (cover)

Gotta Be You - One Direction

Somehow Calum and Michael talked us into staying over night at the hospital. Calum said he would talk to our parents. I wondered about the guys parents where were they? Michael and Cassidy offered to get clothes for us. Calum went to get some food for us. Ashton was sleeping and so was Luke.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom and get a drink. Do you want anything?" Breana asked

"No I'm fine." I said taking a seat on the couch.

"Okay I'll be right back." She said.

Right after she left I stood up and started pacing back and forth. I don't understand why I was so jittery. Maybe nervous? Scared? Of what?

"Uh hi." Someone said I jumped.

"Oh my god Luke you're awake." I ran over to him and lightly hugged him. "Oh um sorry. I uh sorry. I'm just glad you've woken up." I stuttered

"Nina it's fine. Thank you." He said.

"For what?"

"Saving my life. I probably would've died right there in that pub. If it wasn't for you."

He pulled me into an awkward hug. He looked at me for a second. Debating whether or not he should kiss me. Because of how close we were. He decided against it. I was kind of bummed. And I took a step back.

"Wait." He said holding my hand.


"Sit down." He gestured to his hospital bed.

I nodded and did as he said. We sat in silence for a moment. Until he broke the silence.



"I think I like you." He stuttered.


Breana entered the room before he could speak.

"Oh my god Luke you're awake!" She said.

"Yeah." He chuckled.

"Luke you're awake." Ashton smiled.

"Yeah I am." Luke smiled. "I don't remember much just getting shot and Nina carrying me, that's it." Luke said.

"Nina kind of saved your life you probably knew that obviously because she was carrying you. I got shot obviously. And now we are at a hospital. I'm pretty sure we can leave tomorrow." Ashton explained.

Luke smiled at me. Cassidy and Michael came in the door with Calum. Calum and Michael dropped everything and ran up to Luke and Ashton.

"Aye mate you're a bee's dick away from breaking my arm." Said Luke to Calum.

"I'm glad your okay mate. You too Ashton." Calum said."oh my god you guys are okay." Calum said aloud.

"Yeah we'll be fine Cal." Ashton said.

Hours pasted we talked about pointless things and music a lot of music. Cassidy and Michael were passed out on the couch. It was adorable, they are so cute. Michael had his arms wrapped around Cassidy's waist and they were curdled up into a little ball together. I turned to see Breana on Ashton's hospital bed sleeping in his arms, just like Cassidy and Michael. Sometimes I wish I had a boyfriend to do cute stuff with but I remember I'm not the best in relationships. I'll like someone for the longest time and never do anything about it. And if the person likes me back I don't like them back. Calum was pasted out on the recliner with this stuffed monkey he called Gibbon. I was just thinking to myself.

"Hey you know that's my monkey Gibbon." Luke said pointing to Calum.

"Ahh really?" I smirked.

"Yeah Calum always says he's going to take him and never give him back." Luke said.

"Oh that's a shame." I joke.

"Yeah it is. Because I won't have anything to cuddle with at night." He turned away and bit his lip.

"Oh that's going to be a problem."

"Yeah it really is." He softly laughs.

"Is that why you're not asleep now?" I asked.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" He asked.

"Hey don't answer my question with another question." I said lightly slapping his arm.

"Yes. And you?"

"I don't know I was just thinking."

"Oh. C'mere. He said opening his arms.

I thought he wanted to hug me but he gestured to his bed instead.


Tomorrow Never Dies // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now