Chapter 2

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Friday night of the party

"How do I look?" Cassidy asks.

"You look fine." I said.

Cassidy was wearing a short red dress. Breana was wearing a black Bob Marley shirt with black high waisted shorts. I on the other hand am wearing a black crop top with medium washed high waisted shorts and a red and black flannel tied around my waist with black vans.

"Where are your parents?" Breana asked.

"Gone for the weekend they went on some business trip." She explains.

Minutes later people were coming threw the door just piling in. Luke and his band arrive. Why wouldn't they? To come here and crash the party. Like Cassidy said she wanted to play those games like spin the bottle, truth or dare, 7 minutes in heaven etc. But out of all those Cassidy suggests suck and blow. Luke heard suck and blow and quickly walked to the back porch.

"Who wants to play suck and blow?" Cassidy asks.

Most of the people at the party I didn't know, well personally just Cassidy and Breana. Luke also but he's just a jerk. This was a stupid game. I had to sit between Luke and Michael then it went Breana Calum, Cassidy and Ashton plus all the random drunk teenagers. Cassidy told us the rules.

"Alright this is suck and blow obviously so if you drop the card you kiss the person on your left." She winks.

Everyone made it without dropping the card the first time around. Michael passed it to me and I passed it to Luke. Luke being the annoying little shit he is dropped it. I was in complete shock but then again I wasn't because he's an asshole. Everyone seem to noticed I was stalling.

"Go ahead." Cassidy smirks.

Luke put his hand behind my neck and leaned in to kiss me. It felt right in some way but it was wrong I hated him and I pulled back. We continued the game and when the card was on the other side of the circle Luke whispered something to me.

"I could do that again." He smirks and leans into me.

I lean closer to him "Sorry I'm not into self-centered-" he cuts me off and quickly kissed me and turned away. "Don't do that again." I say annoyed.

"Do what?" He smirks.

"This." I quickly kissed him and turned away.

"Luke only dropped the card once." Calum smirked at Luke and I.

"I was proving a point." I smirked to Calum.

Breana dropped the card and kissed Calum. Their kiss was way more intense than mine and Luke. Just to annoy Luke I dropped the card between Michael and I. He just smiled and kissed me. It wasn't like Luke's but it was nice. Luke's was weird but I'm not going to say I liked it. I couldn't really describe what his face looked liked. It was like between what the fuck and I don't give a shit about you. After suck and blow I got up to go to the bathroom. Of course I find Luke with some girl in the bathroom.

"Uh um I'll use the one up stairs." I stutter.

"Yeah we'll probably be in here a while." He says unzipping his pants and I close the door.

I don't even have to pee anymore. I quickly ran to the kitchen and grab a beer. That's disgusting! He such a pig! Now I know why I hate him.

"Nina what's wrong?" Breana asks.

"Nothing." I say.

"You only drink when you're annoyed or mad." She takes the red cup from my hand. "What's up?"

"Nothing." I say grabbing my drink.

"Nina." She raises an eyebrow.

"Breana." I chug the whole red cup full of beer.

"Fine don't tell me." She smirks.

"Fine. I went to go pee in the bathroom down the hall and found somebody in there." I say sitting on the island swinging my legs back and forth.

"Who did you find?" She questioned taking a seat on the island.

"Hemmings. Luke Hemmings. Ew." I scoff.

"Well what did you expect? He's an ass." Breana scoffed.

"I seriously hate him. He's just so fucking annoying." I scoff.

"Ouch. You know it isn't nice to talk about people behind their backs." Luke says out of nowhere.

Breana quickly hopped off the island and walked past Luke and bumped into his arm.

"Ow! That actually kind of hurt." Luke says taking a seat on the island next to me.

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Passion Pit -Sleepy Head

Independence Day -5sos

Everything I didn't say -5sos

Do it now remember it later -sleeping with sirens

-lukepuke x

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