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(In the bunker)

"Derek stop pacing I'm sure he's fine" Jacob said

"He's been gone for days Jacob, I'm pretty confident it doesn't take that long to get some frickin' milk" Derek said still pacing

"You know Stiles he probably got distracted by some cute puppies and lost track of time" Thomas said trying to help

"He's gonna be fine, remember Scott is out there looking for him, and in a few minutes the both of them are gonna walk through that door" Jacob reassured him, just as he said that Scott came stumbling in to the room

"What's wrong? Why are you out of breath? Is Stiles okay?" Derek asked one after the other not giving him time to answer

"It's um.....it was raining" Scott answered

"You came back cause it was raining?" Derek asked as he scoffed not believing what he was hearing "Fine I'm just gonna have to go out there" Derek said as he stormed out the bunker

"Derek no!!" Jacob shouted after his brother "Hold him" he said handing Luca over to Scott as he ran off towards Derek down the tunnels "Derek come back here"

"No" Derek said simply

"Derek I said stop" Jacob yelled

"There's nothing that you can say, or do, that's gonna stop me from going out there to look for him" Derek yelled as he climbed up the ladder out of the tunnels

"What about us? You're family?" Jacob said as he followed Derek through some trees, that got Derek to stop in his tracks

"I can't loose him Jacob" Derek said turning to look at Jacob

"I know, but why don't you just come back with me and we can sort something out" Jacob suggested, before Derek got to speak a new voice sounded behind them

"Well, well, well, if it isn't for the older Hale brothers" a man said coming out of the shadows

"Who are you?" Jacob growled

"I'm the person that's gonna get credit for taking down the Hale children" he said

"I'd like to see you try" Derek said

"I don't think you wanna do anything reckless whilst we have everyone near and dear to you" the man said, and as he said that loads of other demons came out of the shadows "Don't worry we have a little something to make the werewolf's sleep" he said pointing at Scott and Deucalion, whilst he was talking about them Derek was to busy focusing on the fact that some people were holding up Thomas, Cora and Luca, no care in the world if the way they carried them was inflicting them pain

"If you hurt them I swe-" Derek began

"You are in no power to argue with me Derek Hale" he said taking a step towards the two brothers "After all we do have your precious boy toy" he said which resulted in Derek flinging himself at him punching him in the jaw, which ended up being worse for Derek as he heard his knuckles crack as they made contact with the mans face

"Agh, you son of a bitch" Derek gritted his teeth holding his hand in the palm of his left hand

"Now do you wanna keep on going or are you gonna cooperate with us?" The man said

"What do you want us to do?" Jacob asked

"Good, at least one Hale has good senses" the man said as he turned around and two demons cane up behind Derek and Jacob and pushed them along as the others followed "Come along" he said waving is arm

"Where's Stiles?" Derek gritted his teeth

"Who knows" the man said not looking back at them

"What do you mean you don't know, you said you had him" Derek grunted

"I never said I had him, I said 'we', as in us demons"

"You sick son of a bitch, I swear I'm gonna rip out your-"

"Derek!!" Jacob hissed cutting off Derek from going any further "Don't make it worse" he told him

"Why don't you just kill us, that's all you demons want ain't it" Derek said

"Where's the fun in that, I want to have a little fun with you all first"


The next few days were like being thrown back into the past, and having to relive everything they went through. It was endless torture for Jacob and Derek, they occasionally tortured Scott too with a knife coated in wolfsbane. Derek didn't care about the pain the demons were inflicting on him, he was just glad they were keeping away from his younger siblings.

"I just got word that your little boy toy is no longer with the demons, he somehow got out, would you like to tell me how that happened?" the demons said holding the point of a knife to Derek's throat

"I didn't even know he was taken until a few days ago, how am I supposed to know how he got out if I've been here the whole time" Derek said

"Okay I would have rather him be here to experience this but guess we can't have everything, let's get this over with" the man said walking over to Jacob signalling for the other demons to come in

"What!! No!!" Jacob yelled trying to get out of the demons grip as he was pulled up onto his knees "Leave them alone!!!", he yelled again as the demons grabbed his younger siblings leaving the others chaining them to some pipes so they couldn't do anything

The Hale siblings were all lined up from oldest to youngest next to each other on their knees, all with a demon behind them with gags and a knife. The all got gagged one by one by the demon behind them.

Derek felt terrible he couldn't do anything, his arms were tied together behind him and he couldn't break free. He could hear Cora's muffled cries begging for someone to help them, Thomas wasn't doing anything, he just looked straight ahead, and kept still, it's like he was accepting what was about to happen. Luca was the loudest with his wailing screams, a demon was holding him with one arms with his knife in the other ready to do his job.

"Mhm, mhm" Derek muffled as the demon brought his knife around to Jacob's throat, he was about to dig the knife when the door was swung open, revealing the person Derek couldn't have been happier to see.
Published~November 30, 2018

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