"Tear" - Chapter 4

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Jimin's POV
"What's wrong?"

My wife was just quietly looking out of the car of the window without moving. She had already been sitting this position for almost half the way.

She didn't answer me as I began to worry.

First her shaking hands, then her strange dream and now... absence?


Again no answer.

I looked to her soft lips and dreamy eyes as I immediately parked the car next to the way. I had to ask her why she was acting like this. Does she think she made the wrong choice by marrying me, maybe?

"Mi-Cha, can you please answer?"

Her face slowly and vaguely turned my way as it was like I had just woken her up from dreams.

"Yes?" With questions in her eyes she gave me an innocent look like she was acting normal.

"I'm worrying about you, is everything alright?"

"What-What do you mean?"

I looked through the black window behind her as I didn't know how to react.

She was hiding something, I knew it. But what?

She was always so full of secrets, so mysterious... It's one of the things that makes me love her even more, yet it can be annoying some times.

"I mean," I sighed not knowing how to exactly explain it. "Since our honeymoon you seem... startled or doubting about something, yet I don't know why."

I watered my lips hoping she wouldn't push me away as we were quiet for a moment.

"I," she looked to me as I got carried away by the magic of her deep, dark, brown eyes for a moment.

"It's nothing." She smiled and looked to the floor of the car for a moment.

Tears began to form in my eyes as I had to ask this next question.

Mi-Cha's POV
"Do-Do you love me?"

For a second I was quiet not expecting his question.

"Of course I love you!" I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "How can you ever doubt that?!"

"B-Because I thought you maybe wouldn't like the idea of us being-being married."

I quickly looked to him. How could he ever think this? Did I really let him feel like this? Oh no...

"You poor baby," I gave him a kiss on his soft cheeks. "I love you to the moon and back,"

With tears in his eyes he looked up to the moon shining in front of us.

"You are the most precious thing that has ever been into my life." He slowly smiled as his tears began to go away.

"And after being with you," I thought about all the things we had been through. "I have no idea how I could have ever lived my life before meeting you."

I looked into his beautiful eyes.
"I love you, Jimin."

Jungkook's POV
"NO!" I screamed as Jin and Namjoon were constantly being annoying.

"Tear" - Park Jimin AU Where stories live. Discover now