"Tear" - Chapter 38

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Hi guys! Short chapter here, but that's because I kind of wanted to make it a cliffhanger. A follower of my Instagram DM'ed me a very sweet message about my books, which gave me the motivation to write on again. If you're reading this, thank you <3

Have fun reading ʕʔ And don't forget to listen to 'Stigma' (or 'Rain') on repeat by BTS while reading for a better experience.

As Mi-Cha was just gone after what I had asked her, I immediately tried to stand up and stagger towards the clothes I was wearing before being shot.

I hated these hospital clothes, they make me look pathetic.

They make me look like I need help.

With pain in every inch in my body I tried to put on my black trousers. I mean, my white blouse smeared with blood was easy to put on, but this is too much...

Tears almost wanted to drip down my face as I only had to tighten my belt around my waist.

Not now... I thought. I'm a vampire and monsters don't cry.

I repeated this sentence like a mantra in my head as my tears were harder and harder to stop.

But - I had to go on with my plan - otherwise I would hurt people even more, right?

And besides that, I didn't even deserve to be forgiven. Not after everything I've done.

Jimin's POV

"Yah! I win with this game, not you!" Yoongi angrily said towards Jin as they both threw their playing cards onto the table.

As they were looking at each other irritably - I couldn't help but keep an eye onto Taehyung.

He was extremely quiet and kept staring in front of him without saying a word.

He just gave off this depressed vibe - understandable after what happened, of course...

But I can't help but to feel sorry for him, and his brother.

I wish I could-


All of us - including Taehyung - quickly looked up, holding out breaths.

"He remembers, and he wanted to apologise to you."

We were still looking at her with big eyes, not having expected this.

"Come on!"

Abraxas' POV

I quickly felt into my pocket if it was still there; and of course - it was.

My pale, skinny fingers stroke over the paper for a second as it had a few folds and creases.

So many times this lifetime had I written these words all over my mind, but before being involved with Jimin and everyone again, I had written this.

I had kept it into my pocket until now for if I really needed to use it.

My slender legs walked me towards my bed as I couldn't help but weakly smile.

I was truly happy and relaxed, feelings that barely appeared in my miserable life.

A tear of joy mixed with grief rolled down my cheek onto the paper as I slowly lied it onto my soft pillow.

The past few decades I had always felt anxious, alone, misunderstood and mistreated.

I was grateful to be given a chance again by these beautiful people, but I could never forgive myself, and so, the time to end my chapter had finally come.

Mi-Cha's POV

"I'm sure he's glad to finally see you again,"

I opened the door and walked in being too busy talking as I stopped before his bed.

"And I'm sure he-"

I suddenly noticed all the faces of my friend quietly staring at me and stopping with talking.

"What's wrong, guys?"

I quickly turned around to be surprised with a weird feeling as Namjoon walked up to his pillow to grab a small note.

I became quiet now too as he gave us a serious look.


Dear everyone,

They say it's easy to forget, yet not easy to forgive, isn't it?

Let's say, it's the other way around for me, even if that probably doesn't look that way;

I forgive my father, never being there for me, emotionally neglecting me, hurting my family and having broken my heart before anyone else could.

I'm sorry I couldn't be your perfect son; I'm sorry I wasn't like you - I'm sorry I'm weak and too sensitive, like you always told me.

Brother; I don't know if I have the right to say this, but I forgive you, do you forgive me too? I just want to say that I regret everything; from not having a normal sibling relationship to always being too afraid to speak up when I was still little.

When I'm gone, please don't forget our good times TaeTae; don't forget how much I love you, even if I never showed it.

And all the others that have known me; as a villain, as a monster, maybe even as a friend in the past; I'm sorry for every damage that I've done. Let me repay it by telling you you'll never see me again.

Jimin, right from the start you've been my dearest and most precious friend. Thank you for being by my side, even if I wronged you in all the ways possible...

And last, but not least, Mi-Cha. I wish you, your partner and your friends all the love and happiness in the world, just like you wished for me.

You tried to fix me, you were the first person to show me I could believe in myself - unlike any other. Thank you, again.

This was a long story; but this is what we deserved. A happy end for you, and a happy end for me.




Without knowing, a tear was falling from my cheek as Jimin quickly walked away.

I didn't know what to do as I decided to follow him.

"I'm NOT letting this happen!"

It was hard for me to keep up with him as he was almost running while I was still crying too.

"I'm sure I know where he i-is." His voice was shaking as I followed him towards the stairs of this hospital.

"I saved his ass, I didn't save him for n-nothing."

He acted annoyed and like he was irritated, but I knew, deep down, that he was as worried as me.

"Let's save him again."

&quot;Tear&quot; - Park Jimin AU Where stories live. Discover now