"Tear" - Chapter 13

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After walking through the zoo while making pictures of the animals and having fun, we decided to eat something at a restaurant having view upon the puma's.

She took a sip of her drink as her eyes followed the predator with its soft coat and sharp teeth.

Her beautiful eyes hadn't cried today, but in stead, were looking much happier today.

Her lips also had decided not to fake a smile anymore, but to only grin when they felt like it.

Her hairs were on a knot and she was wearing the clothes she had bought yesterday.

She suddenly turned her pretty face to me as she caught me staring while her cheeks blushed.

"Thank you for bringing me with you here."

"My pleasure."

I smiled as she took another French fry and sighed.

She was so beautiful and nice to others, that it felt like a dream.

She gave me a second chance and trusted me, even if her heart had been deceived so many times by so many people.

Mi-Cha's POV
"What's your favourite animal in this zoo?"

He thought about it for a moment as he gave me a mysterious look.


"Erm..." I looked around to get ideas.


He laughed as he made me smile.

"What makes you think that?"

His pearl white teeth were showing as his eyes were squeezed a little.

"Because of your green eye." I grinned as he happily shook his head.

"Try again."

"Let me see..." I observed him as I lied my fingers against my chin.

"A bat?"

He came a little closer over the table as he looked from left to right and whispered.

"Only because I'm a vampire?" He smiled and shook his head again.

I sighed.

"I don't know."

"Which is the second animal we took photos of?"

I deeply thought about it.

"A jaguar?!"


"But that's my favourite animal too."

"Really? Maybe that means something then..."

The tone of his voice sounded mysterious as I didn't know what he meant and just waited for explanation.

"I mean..." He watered his lips as he looked away and back to me.

"I think, for a guy like me, it's quite a pity you're already married."

I didn't know what to say as I thought of Jimin's angry voice when he called me a few days ago.

I shrugged as we were both speechless.

"Maybe it is." He didn't expect my answer as he looked up to me with a shimmering in his eyes.

"Maybe it's not."

I bit my lip as I looked to our empty plate.

"Tear" - Park Jimin AU Where stories live. Discover now