"Tear" - Chapter 17

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Hi guys! Enjoy reading! (=^^=)


If you get easily triggered by subjects as: violence, curse words, suicides, etc. Please don't read.

If you or anyone you know suffers from mental health problems, please try to stay strong. I'm not saying you should get help, in some cases it might help, others not, but please, please, please do remember that everything eventually ends. Even depression, or any other thing that hurts you.

Stay strong, I love you, fighting! ~~~~(>_<)~~~~

Mi-Cha's POV
My head hurt as everything around me was heavily spinning until I my knees fell onto the cold floor.

Tears streamed down my cheeks as my heart felt empty and completely left alone.

Why-Why did Jimin do this?

Pain in my heart slowly took over as I tightly grabbed my stomach to bear with everything.

I love him. We just needed a break although I almost got feelings for Abraxas, and yet,

Yet he disappoints me. Again.

My one and only love just hurt me the most he could...

Jungkook's POV
Without controlling myself, my sister actually, I had filled our bath with water as I had also taken pills to relax.

I didn't want this. I didn't want to sadly look in the mirror and think about how stupid I am. I didn't want to feel how my sister felt.

I looked to my sisters red, painful eyes as I wanted to go away. She-She isn't going to... No. NO! I have to get out of this hallucination as fast as possible.

The hand I couldn't control sent a message to Jimin as I could only feel the emptiness and sadness filling my stomach.

I suddenly felt the pills began to work and I got very drowsy and dizzy.

I slowly turned around as I tried everything I could trying to stop it.

Yet, nothing worked.

I tried to scream, yell or even hold on to something, but I couldn't control it.

The cold water was quietly and peacefully in the bathtub as my heart beat faster.

I don't want to see this. I can't. I don't want to see how much my sister hurt.

Mi-Cha's POV
With my arms hopelessly past my body I slowly walked to the kitchen.

I had stood there before for the same purpose.

Without knowing it, I already had the shiny knife in my hands as I let out a deep shivering sigh thinking about Abraxas.

Again I looked at my pale wrist while several flashbacks of dear people stopped me.

It's no use to stay for Jimin anymore... he was one of the main persons that made me feel like this.

"Just LEAVE and never COME BACK!"

His harsh voice that filled my head made my heart beat at an unnormal rate while I heard my quick breath.

A first horizontal red line was on my skin when I awoke from my dreams.

&quot;Tear&quot; - Park Jimin AU Where stories live. Discover now