Chapter 14__Dangerous Liasions

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I hadn't seen Stefan or Damon since last night, walking downstairs and almost into the living room when I heard the doorbell being pulled.

Turning my head to look at it, I walked to the door, pulling it open to see who was there.

There was no one.

In confusion, I looked down to the envelope on the concrete, my name written in elegant script.

Kneeling, I took the envelope, standing and looking around for any sign of anyone around.

I didn't see anybody, backing back inside, closing the door and turning away from it, taking a few steps forward when the curiousity got the best of me, opening the envelope.

I pulled out the invitation card.

Please join the Mikaelson Family this evening at seven o'clock. For dancing, cocktails, & celebration.

Mikaelson . . .

As in the Originals?

Why the hell would I get an invitation to go to an Original Family ball?

Completely confused, I turned the invitation over to see there was another note.

It was a pleasure conspiring with you.


Elijah, inviting me to a ball?

Stefan and Damon would kill me, but since when did I care what they thought?

They weren't here to tell me I couldn't go, and that wouldn't have stopped me anyway.

I might as well have gone to a ball.

A year ago, I would never have even considered it, let alone go get a dress for it. I would've thrown the invitation in the fireplace, ripped it up or thrown it away.

But there was something I needed to know, and if Klaus wouldn't tell me, maybe Elijah would.

I was going to the ball.


(Dress in Link) 

I saw Elijah standing on the staircase, looking toward me.

Stefan and Damon followed his gaze in bored confusion.

Their faces turned from bemused curiousness to what the hell is she doing here? looks in 0.5 seconds.

"Oh, boy," I sighed quietly as they walked closer.

"Why the hell are you here?" Damon asked.

"I'm pretty sure that's what both of your expressions just said," I told them, a little bit awkward.

"Then answer the question," Stefan told me.

"I'm trying to get answers," I answered. "And neither of you said I couldn't come." I looked away. "Not like that would've stopped me anyway."

"Yeah, and neither of us even knew you were even invited," Stefan said.

"Yeah, well, I was," I told them.

"By who?" Stefan asked.

"Does it matter?" I asked.

"Elijah?" Damon asked with distaste. "You're here with Elijah?"

"You're both here with the same girl, aren't you?" I replied, easily making them shut up. "So, hold off on the judgement."

Apparently, Elijah saw the tension or heard us speak, so he started the first toast. "Uh, if everyone could gather, please?" I looked from Damon and Stefan to the Original Family on the stairs, walking away from mine. They looked after me, speechless. "Welcome. Thank you for joining us." A woman in black started to join Finn, Kol, Rebekah, Elijah and Klaus. I was just guessing it was their mother that had been in the locked coffin but come back to life for her children. "You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this, it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance. Tonight's pick is a centuries old waltz. So, if all of you could please find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ball room."

Elijah stepped down the staircase, closer to me.

I walked closer to him. "Invite a reclusive small-town girl to a big, decked out party? The first success was me even saying yes."

"Or maybe you said yes to seek for the answers to the questions you have," Elijah said.

"Eavesdropping on a family fight," I said. "Cheater."

Elijah gave me a small smile, holding his arm out to me. "Shall we?"

From the corner of my eye, I saw Damon and Stefan sending stares as me, a Salvatore, linked my arm with Elijah, an Original Mikaelson.

Two warring families.

Oh, well.

Elijah led me into the ballroom, both of our arms crossed to hold the other's as the dance began, stepping forward slowly in the classical march.

"You seem fairly familiar with the dance for a 'reclusive small-town girl'," Elijah noted with a small smile.

"My parents had wanted me involved with these things," I answered. "After my mother died, it just didn't suit me anymore . . . If it ever had. Though I might be a little rusty. My turn to ask a non-question. Klaus keeps saying he knows what's happening to me when no one else does. Any idea what the hell he might be talking about?"

"I'd like to find that out for myself," Elijah answered. I exhaled. He twirled my arm over my head, turning me to face him, starting to circle with the others. "And though you care for your remaining family, you seem to be defiant toward them . . . More than usual."

I smirked. "I don't like being told what to do."

Again, Elijah spun me. "Indeed."

The dance went on until it ended.


After the dance, there was time for a toast by the Original Witch herself, Esther. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Waitors are coming around with champagne. I invite you all to join me in raising a glass. It provides me no greater joy than to see my family back together as one." I took a champagne glass from the waitor's tray. "I'd like thank you all for being apart of this spectacular evening." Smiling, she raised her glass. "Cheers."

The party held their glasses high. "Cheers."

As I was about to take a sip of the champagne, Elijah stood next to me. "Cheers."

I gave a small smile, our glasses clinking together as we both sipped.
Overall, a pretty good party.


A noise made everyone go outside--if "everyone" meant Klaus, Rebekah, Finn, Elijah, Stefan and me.

I stood between Stefan and Elijah as we saw Damon break Kol's neck.

Elena ran out.

"Damon," Stefan said.

"Are you crazy?" I demanded.

"Maybe a little," Damon admitted. He looked at Elena. "Far be it from me to cause a problem."

What the hell was his problem?

Damon turned away, walking, knowing how to leave a message loud and clear as the rest of us were left watching.


"Sorry about Damon," I told Elijah as he walked me up to my front door. Neither Damon or Stefan were home yet. I turned to face Elijah, chuckling without humor. "Seems like everyone's been saying that one of the Salvatores. Including me."

Elijah took a deep breath before speaking. "You told me once the reason why you care for them, the unexplainable need and urge to help and safe and love them while all the while hating them. I have the same problem with my own family."

"Does it ever get any easier?" I asked.

"Over a thousand years, I'm still searching for that answer myself," Elijah told me. "Though my family is a lot more complicated and unusual than the next."

I smirked, looking down. "Mine too."

My eyes slanted to the floor as Elijah leaned closer, kissing me lightly. After a second, he pulled away. "Good night, Nicola."

I opened my eyes.

By the time that I did, he was already gone.

I turned and opened the door, walking in, the closing it, going to sleep the night away.

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