Chapter 20__Do Not Go Gentle

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I hadn't gone to the dance.

But after Stefan and Damon had told me that that Esther had tried to turn Ric into his very own evil Original vampire to wipe the entire vampire species off of the face of the planet, making him decide not to become a vampire at all and die instead .  . . I knew I had to have had said goodbye.

I stood with Stefan and Damon outside the Salvatore family tomb, Caroline, Tyler, Matt, Bonnie, Jeremy and Meredith standing with us when Elena and Ric came outside

Elena went to stand next to Stefan.

Alaric smiled a little, looking over each of us, tearing up before going back inside and closing the door.


I was actually sitting outside with Damon, handing him a bourbon bottle. "You look like you could need this more than I do right now."

"I'm fine," Damon lied, putting the indestructible white oak stake down on the concrete as he took the bottle, drinking.

"Liar," I said. "Your best friend's dying."

"Don't psychoanalyze me, Nikki," Damon said before taking another sip.

I shrugged sadly, taking the white oak stake in my hands.

Meredith walked out of the tomb slowly. "I gave him a sedative. He'll fall asleep first. He'll go comfortably."

"Well, I offered to snap his neck, put him out of his misery, but . . ." Damon trailed off. "He didn't take me up on it."

"You seem surprised," Meredith said in confusion.

"Well, you'd think a guy so used to dying wouldn't wanna drag it out," Damon said, scoffing and drinking again.

"Well, it was nice of you to give him the option," Meredith told him.

"Apparently, my choices have been a little controversal lately," Damon said.

I put the stake down, standing up. "I'm gonna go. But you shouldn't leave him alone in there."

"That's what he wants," Damon said.

"Is that really what you think he wants?" Meredith asked before turning around and walking away.

I grabbed the bottle in Damon's hands, taking it away.

"Hey," Damon complained.

I habded him a fuller bottle. "You need that one for the goodbye drink."

"Thanks, Nixs," Damon said.

I started to back away. "There's a new nickname I haven't heard before."

I turned arouns and walked away.

Damon and Alaric needed their moment to say goodbye.

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