Chapter 19__Heart of Darkness

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Damon and Elena were both going to Denver to pick up Jeremy, to bring him home and ask him to try to find Rose on the Other Side to ask her who turned her, to try to figure out who the sire of their bloodline was--Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah or Kol.

If it wasn't Klaus, they were all gonna kill him, and I was helping.

Yes, Tyler would die, but . . .

I was looking in the fireplace, Stefan on the couch.

Damon walked in, dropping his bag. "You hear from Klaus?"

"Not yet," Stefan answered. "But I'm sure we will soon enough." Stefan stood as I turned to face them. "He's expecting me to deliver two stakes. I only have one."

"That's gonna be disappointing for him," I said 

"I'll get it out of Alaric," Stefan said. "I just need some time."

"I like that confidence, Stefan," Damon said. "I don't share it, but I like it."

"You don't think I have what it takes?" Stefan asked.

"Well, you're good Stefan again," Damon said. "You might get the girl, but you lose the edge. Speaking of . . ." Elena walked in. "Have you ever flown first class?"

"Who did you have to compel for that?" Elena asked.

Damon scoffed. "Please. I use miles."

He walked out.

As I walked out, Stefan and Elena looked toward me.

They had some issues to work over.


I didn't want to go downstairs to watch the pity party od Stefan and Ric.

I was upstairs, looking at the stake in my hands.

Klaus opened the door and walked in.

I sighed. "And again with the walking in without the knocking first."

Klaus smirked. "I've heard you've discovered what I've been trying to tell you for a while now."

"Hmm, yes, if I don't get this thing out of my body, I'll die," I said sarcastically. "So what?"

"Well, I could easily take that thing out of your body by ripping out yoir throat if you don't hand me the stake in your hands," Klaus said. He added a sweet smile. "Love."

I tossed the stake toward his feet, letting it clatter against the carpet. "I'm just guessing you're here for the other stake."

"Hmm," Klaus hummed, picking up the stake. "Yes. Where is it?"

"Don't know," I told him honestly.

"Does Stefan?" Klaus asked.

"You should ask him, not me," I told him.

Klaus tilted his head. "Where is he?"

"You're the one with the vamp hearing," I said, leaning forward on the couch. "So, why don't you tell me?"

Klaus smirked before walking toward the basement.

I got out my phone and texted Stefan. Klaus in house.


Klaus had left, then come back with Rebekah when Stefan finally walked in. "That wasn't too hard, was it?"


Rebekah dragged in Ric, beaten to a bloody pulp.

"It's a little gratuitous, don't you think, Stefan?" Klaus asked. "I would have been more gentle."

"I'm gonna take him to the caves," Rebekah said, looking at Evil Alaric. "You're gonna go inside and fetch me the stake. And if you think you can hide, you're wrong."

Rebekah dragged Ric out of the house.

"And then there were two," Klaus said, looking from me to Stefan. "I know about your brother's little mission to Denver. He failed. Not that that's news anymore."

"So, what are you gonna do, Klaus?" I asked. "Kill us?"

"I haven't actually decided yet," Klaus said.

"Oh, sure you have," Stefan said. "See, you've had every chance and every excuse imaginable to do it. But yet, you haven't, which means you don't want to."

"You know something, you're right," Klaus said. He looked at me. "See, it'd be entertaining to see if Nicola here can possibly manage to break through this new challenge, fight for her life." He looked at Stefan. "And I'm still waiting for my old friend to come back. And by the looks of it, he's just beneath the surface, waiting to come out and play. Hmm. Isn't that right, Ripper?"

"I've been fighting that part of myself . . .thinking that if I repressed it, it would go away . . ." Stefan trailed off. "But it won't. And now that I've accepted it . . . It can't control me." Klaus' smirk disappeared. "And neither can you."

I tilted my head, looking at Klaus. "So, unless you're gonna stake him or rip my throat out . . . Why don't you get the hell out of our house?"

I turned away, walking out of the room and toward the stairs, Stefan starting to follow.

Klaus got the hell out of our house.

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