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The sound of papers rustling and agents rushing back and forth filled the room as the CCG office was brought to disarray at the appearance of the three S-rated ghouls and a rumored fourth in the 20th ward.

An anonymous caller had tipped the CCG about the rare ghoul's whereabouts and as soon as the information spread, the office was brought into a state of chaos and disorder.

Glutton, Jason, and Gourmet were trouble enough for them but now Winter has apparently also been spotted prowling about in the once peaceful ward? There's only one word for this predicament they were in. Hectic.

A pair of golden cat-like eyes scanned the room in mild curiosity. When he first got assigned to be Investigator Ymir's partner on his first day on the job, he didn't expect everyone to be so.. distraught.

"I want investigators on Winter right away!" Chief Marude's voice boomed through the office.

Everyone's racket immediately came to a halt at their boss's words, waiting for his next command in bated breath.

Marude stayed silent for awhile, scanning the room and searching for the lucky investigators, or rather the unlucky ones, to assign to Winter. His eyes panned from left to right before landing on the tall, freckled woman standing next to her newly assigned partner.

"Fritz, Kozume! You got Winter! Get on it NOW!" He ordered before leaving the room and slamming the door behind him in frustration.

The workers all released a breath that they didn't know they were holding; relieved they weren't the ones chosen for the job. All but Fritz who let out a groan of frustration.

"Dammit, fine. Let's go rookie." She grumbled as she quickly grabbed her quinque and headed to the documentation room.

Kenma followed suit, afraid he'd get lost if he didn't promptly follow his superior. 

"Umm, if you don't mind me asking, who or what exactly is Winter?" He asked as the woman looked through assorted papers, searching for a particular file.

Ymir stopped briefly, considering his question before continuing her search and finally pulling out a single piece of paper containing all the information they knew about the ghoul they called Winter.

"Winter is an S-rated ghoul unlike any other we've seen before." Her eyes briefly scanned the file before handing it to her new partner.

Kenma's analyzing eyes read through the details before widening at the shocking revelation.

Winter, S-rate
Female, 15-20 in age
Possesses ukaku-type kagune capable of freezing opponents upon impact.
Avoid  engaging in a battle at all costs.

"She's notorious for killing every investigator that tries to snoop around for her. It's like she has ears everywhere." His superior continued.

"Her speed combined with unusual strength, durability, and stamina that an ukaku user usually lacks makes her one slippery son of a bitch." She added.

"That and the crystalized projectiles she fires off causes the area they hit to freeze over. All agents are advised to avoid taking her head on."

Kenma hummed as he took all this into consideration. "Won't an ambush work?" He questioned. Ymir all but snickered as to her, it was a stupid question. "She's faster than a bullet so I doubt it. And for an ambush, we'd have to pinpoint her location and daily routine." Her snickering died down and her face turned serious. 

"But like I mentioned, no one has ever even come close to figuring out who she is. Once word gets out she's being targeted by doves, she'll come take your life like the harbinger of death himself."

"Then.. you don't mean.." He started but was unable to finish his sentence, trailing off and hoping it wasn't what he thinks it was.

"That's right rookie. We've got ourselves a death mission."

The air suddenly felt so still and heavy for Kenma. He was just starting out and he already has to deal with a damn ghoul that apparently lacks no weaknesses and is infamous for going after investigators that try to sniff her out. He knew this was a life-threatening job but he didn't expect this on his first day of all days.

Out of the blue, his partner burst out laughing.

"Holy shit you should've seen your face!" She cackled, pointing at his crestfallen face that slowly morphed from confused to annoyed.

"Is something funny, Investigator Fritz?" He asked through gritted teeth.

"I-It's just your face... HAHAHA!" She continued to laugh, struggling to even say a proper sentence. "You looked s-so worried..!"

Her laughs soon died down to a giggle and then it all came down to a big grin. "We just gotta keep our investigation lowkey and we should be fine."

Kenma's eyes widened at that. He hadn't realized that. Perhaps he shouldn't have been so quick to panic. It could be a fatal flaw in a fight against a ghoul. 

Ymir slung her arm over his shoulder, pulling him into the side of her body and effectively snapping him out of his thoughts. 

"Ya don't have to fret rookie! Your super cool senpai is gonna keep you safe. Just watch and we'll get a promotion in no time after we catch that slimy bitch!"

His nose scrunched slightly at her foul language but was somewhat reassured at her words. "Right. I'll try my best to pull my own weight."

The beautiful woman pulled away and ruffled his hair with a hopeful smile. "I look forward to seeing what you can do rookie!"

He smiled back somewhat before another thought crossed his mind. "Wait if there are no other leads we have about her aside from being sighted in the 20th ward, what are we going to do?"

"Huh. Well if we go around slugging lowly ghouls left and right like that Mado and his partner Amon, we'd be found out and Winter will definitely come kill us." She mentioned before thinking up a plan. 

"So we'll have to wear a disguise, hide our quinques, and act like we're nothing but regular civilians who just happen to hang out at notorious ghoul gathering spots."

Kenma sweat dropped. It was an incredibly simple plan but it sounded like they were gonna have to do a lot of waiting. Not to mention it sounded dangerous to be hanging around an area infested with ghouls.

"Perhaps I should start writing my will..."

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Note: I'm aware that Ymir and Ymir Fritz are different people but for the sake of the story, let's pretend that Jaw-Ymir's last name is Fritz.

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