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A beautiful woman laid asleep on the bed, surrounded by multiple pillows with her sheets messed up and her blanket abandoned on the carpeted floor. The air conditioning was turned up to the max as it always was, yet the woman was coated in a thin layer of sweat as she tossed and turned.

The air was still with the distant hum of the ac serving as white noise. All of a sudden, vibrant irises snapped wide open as the woman sat up in a hurry. 

In a panicked daze, your eyes darted across the room as you tried to catch your breath. Your chest heaved up and down and you cradled your head in your hands, attempting to calm yourself down.

It was just a nightmare...

You reassured yourself and as your breathing slowed, your mind automatically recalled the terrifying dream you just had.

A five year old child clutched an eerily designed plush in her hand as she walked through a seemingly endless path. Her wide eyes devoid of emotion aside from fear and trepidation stared ahead into the darkness, hoping for someone, something, to save her from this feeling of unexplainable anxiety.

"Come on Mimi... We have to find mama and papa! After we do, we can go home and play with nii-chan!"

Talking to the doll offered a sense of security and hope as the child continued to trudge forward with a new profound goal in mind. Her moment of motivation however, was interrupted by something cold landing and melting on the tip of her nose.

Looking up, her lips stretched into a big smile as she discovered what it was. "It's snowing! Yay it's snowing!" She cheered as she twirled around and enjoyed the snowfall. She was always more fond of the cold after all.

Giggling, the child was delighted by her little playtime; forgetting her goal as quickly as she set it in mind. 

As snowflakes fell into the palm of her outstretched hand while the other still held on to her plush, the child quickly noticed something unusual. The snow was starting to turn into a sinister red that strangely resembled.. blood.

It smelled delicious and utterly divine. Then, without thinking, the child brought the red snow up to her mouth and licked it.

Her optics turned a similar color and her sclera morphed into a pitch black that matched the darkness of her surroundings.

"Delicious... More.. more.. MORE!" In a craze, the child couldn't control her cravings as an overwhelming scent filled her nostrils. It smelled like the red snow she had just consumed. Except it was stronger, and much more alluring.

Foaming at the mouth, the child dropped everything she was holding, abandoning the ugly stuffed toy, and ran at a speed she didn't know she was capable of towards the place the scent was coming from.

Her vision went red as she became ballistic upon arriving at her destination. There were two corpses, both suffering heavy life-threatening wounds and spilling blood onto the snow-covered pavement.

Nothing but thoughts of hunger filled the child's mind as she quickly went to town in devouring every single piece of meat and flesh that covered the corpses' bones. If someone were to see her, they'd be reminded of a starved predator selfishly helping itself to its prey.

Blood trailed down her mouth and chin and splattered onto her cheek as she took bite after bite in a hungered craze. Wanting more, she turned over one of the bodies to lay on its back so she could consume more of its organs. 

Pausing, her eyes widened at the horrific sight.

Her mother's lifeless eyes stared back at her. Frantically, the child ran over to the other body and turned it over as well, fearing the worst. Her fears came true when the corpse's face became visible. There was no mistaking it. The corpses were her parents.

The child's breath started to pick up, her pupils shook uncontrollably, her vision blurred, and the world seemed to spin as the realization set in. She had been helping herself to her parents' deceased bodies.

An ear splitting scream tore through the area as the five year old girl fell backwards, desperately trying to crawl away from the grave sin she had just committed. Her hands landed in a warm pool of blood and she turned to look at it, only to see a little girl with a deranged grin looking back at her.

"You killed them." The reflection said.

The little girl shook her head violently. "I didn't! You don't understand! I didn't do it! I promise!" She yelled to herself more than to the girl in the reflection.

"Oh but you did~!" It giggled in delight. "And you enjoyed eating their bodies... They were delicious, weren't they?" It coaxed.

No longer knowing what to think or do, the little girl whimpered and nodded. "I-It was delicious... Mommy and daddy tasted.. amazing." She admitted.

The smirking reflection then frowned. "Disgusting."

Those were the last words the little girl heard before four blue-green colored kagune shot out from the pool of blood and stabbed through her body as if it were nothing but a cushion.

Flinching at the recollection, the nightmare left a bitter taste in your mouth. You rubbed your face and looked to your left at the dresser beside your bed. Your phone laid on top of it, the screen flashing on and off as your best friend spammed you with TikTok videos.

Paying no mind to him, you grabbed the device and checked the time before placing it back onto the flat surface.

"2 am huh..." You mumbled as you headed to the bathroom to wash your face. You splashed cold water onto your cheeks and you couldn't help but sigh in relief at the cooling feeling. Combing your hair back with your fingers, you looked into the mirror.

Your eyes widened in shock as you saw yourself, but she had a look of pure horror and panic. She banged on the mirror though you heard nothing. She screamed at you with tears in her eyes and still, you heard nothing. Her pleas and shouts fell on deaf ears as you could do nothing but stare back at her.

Faintly, you could read her lips as she repeated the same words over and over.

Let me out!

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