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The girl in your reflection had disappeared as soon as you blinked, as if she were never there to begin with. You couldn't help but think that maybe your mind was just playing tricks on you.

"I'm probably just still shaken up from that nightmare." You told yourself.

Stretching your limbs, you walked out of your bathroom and into your bedroom.

You plopped down on your bed with your arms spread wide and eyes staring directly up at the ceiling.

"What freaky horror scenario is gonna happen to me next I wonder? Boy I can't wait." Your voice dripped with sarcasm as your eyes slowly closed; drowsiness wrapping its arms around you and once again welcoming you into la la land.

However, your eyelids soon flew open as a loud thud alerted you of someone's sudden presence in your bedroom. You sat up as quickly as you could but before you could even get into an upright position, your irises were met with a pair of blacked out sclerae and pupils the color of blood.

"(y/n)-chan..~ I brought a present for you..~!" The figure cooed and snuggled up against you, their naked body covered in blood staining your clothes and skin.

Gasping at their unexpected appearance, you quickly wrapped your own arms around them, not minding the blood. Not like it wasn't a daily experience for you anyways. 

"Rize! You're naked!" You exclaimed and sat up properly, placing the woman in your lap. "What in the hell are you doing here anyways?" 

The purple haired woman pouted and loosened their embrace, not caring that their breasts were fully exposed. "And here I thought you'd be happy to see me. I even brought a present." She said, glancing at the bag of hearts she collected from her recent adventure.

You sighed, fully aware of her so-called.. "feelings" for you. "Right. Thank you Rize, I'm glad to see you're okay after all these years." 

Rize immediately brightened up at those words and tackled you into a hug once more, her eyes returning to their normal dark shade of magenta. "Oh I'm glad to see you too (y/n)-chan!" She pulled away from the hug and pecked your lips briefly before nuzzling her nose into the crook of your neck.

Nose crinkling slightly at the sudden act of affection, you couldn't help but internally cringe at your current predicament. First you had a nightmare, then your little mirror hallucination, and now Rize has come from nowhere and managed to track you down to your apartment. 

You had a naked woman in your lap, your pajamas are all but clean, and a plastic bag filled with still beating hearts (no doubt from young men) carelessly thrown onto your carpeted floor is leaving a bloody puddle stain. Great. Just great.

"I think you should go take a shower before you go to sleep Rize." You mentioned as you once again unwrapped her arms from around you. "I'll put out some clothes for you to wear."

The S-rated ghoul put your suggestion into consideration before smiling ever so innocently. "Okay (y/n)-chan!" She said as she hopped off your lap and headed to what she assumed was your bathroom. She didn't want to upset the love of her life after all.

"Now... To clean this mess up." You groaned as you saw the blood stains on your body as well as the bloody puddle on the carpet slowly getting bigger. "Fuck my life."

An hour soon passed and with the help of your rinkaku, you managed to complete your tasks quicker than you thought you would. Sometimes being a ghoul has its perks you know.

The stain on the carpet was gone with some lemon and baking soda and you've changed out of your blood-soiled pajamas into fresh ones. All you had to do now was lend your uninvited guest some clothes for the night.

Just as you were about to knock on the bathroom door to do just that, it opened abruptly; revealing the purple haired woman clad in nothing but a towel.

"(y/n)-chan! Were you planning to perv on me..~? You don't have to do that, my love. Just ask." She teased.

Your deadpanned expression told her more than enough. "No. Now put these on and come to bed already." You said and pushed the clothes into her arms before hastily returning to your room so she could get clothed in peace.

As soon as you slammed the door to your bedroom closed, you slid down the surface and onto the floor with your face in the palms of your hands, cheeks as red as a tomato. "Dumbass woman..."

Rize giggled as you left her there standing on her own, not failing to catch the flustered expression you tried so desperately to hide from her. "How cute~!"

The beautiful woman promptly joined you in bed after getting dressed in the clothes you so generously offered her. She knows you were expecting her to give it back, but there's no way she was gonna do that. It's hers now.

You felt the bed dip behind you and an arm wrap around your waist, pulling you closer to the figure laying beside you.

You didn't want to admit it, but you always slept more comfortably with someone next to you. Especially if they radiated warmth, directly contrasting your preference of the cold.

And Rize gave the best damn cuddles.

Giggling softly to herself, Rize was already aware of all this. She prided herself in being the only person that you've allowed to sleep beside you and comfort you even when you don't ask for it.

She ate that shit up and enjoyed pretending to be your lover, seeing as you've failed to give her a direct answer every time she confessed her undying feelings for you.

Was it a yes? Was it a no? She may never find out. 

But this was fine. She's just happy she's back at your side once again after two years of no contact whatsoever. And she'll stay here until you finally arrive at your decision.

If you said yes, she'd be over the moon in utter delight. If you said no, however...

Her lips curled into a smirk at what she would do if you denied her as she started to stroke your hair softly, further soothing you into a deep, dreamless slumber.

No one, and I mean no one is allowed to have you if not her.

How delusional of her, however, to think that she is the only person who has ever been this close to you.

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Note: Rize being interested in women is not canon. It's just a little headcanon of mine I've decided to include into the story.

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