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After saving the fragile human boy, you immediately fled the scene after ensuring that he was still alive and called for an ambulance.

Once you arrived home, you turned on the news and sure enough, the very same scene you had just fled was being broadcasted live by some lousy news anchor.

You turned off the tv after you were reassured that the boy has a chance of living as he was transported to the hospital to be operated on. All you had to do now was wait for another chance to get even closer to him.


Amidst everything that happened, you failed to notice just how hungry you've become after the mere scent of Kaneki infiltrated your senses. So you grabbed your mask, changed out of your clothes, and headed out once more.

You perched atop a lamp post and observed the dimly lit streets; searching for the human unfortunate enough to become your next meal.

If someone were to see you now, they'd liken you to that of a predator on the prowl for its prey as your kakugan glowed brightly behind the confines of your mask. The mere crimson was enough to pierce fear into the heart of the unfortunate observer.

No human passing through here is delectable enough..

You thought in annoyance as you waited for over half an hour for the perfect meal, yet all that passed through were either unhygienic or reeked of alcohol.

Just as you were about to give up and head onto another location, the smell of something sweet caught your attention. Dare I say it was almost too sweet.

Your head whipped in the direction the smell was coming from as your mouth watered slightly at just the mere thought of devouring whoever was emitting such a fragrance. 

In the farthest corner of the street you were surveying, was a tiny blonde girl with crystal blue eyes saying goodbye to her friend as they parted ways. You waited in observation as the girl walked ever so slowly towards where you were hidden in plain sight, yet the poor, pitiful soul failed to notice. If she had, she might have been granted the chance to live a couple seconds longer.

Not wanting to attack just yet, you took your time to analyze your prey even further. Her skin was fair, her demeanor was carefree despite her walking alone in the darkest of streets, her entire being screamed that of naivety. Yet of all the things that you noticed, there was one particular thing that threw you off.


The scent of doves hung faintly on the girl. If you weren't paying attention, her sweet fragrance would've covered it up completely. The thought of her secretly being a dove on an undercover mission briefly crossed your mind, yet you brushed it off as the girl was clearly defenseless. Not a quinque in sight or smell.

And so, you began.

You leapt into the air, causing a gust of freezing winter air that made the blonde girl shiver; both due to the sudden cold and an unforeseen feeling of dread.

The frost was enough to alert her of an impending danger which triggered alarms in her head. With no doubts in her mind, she moved her legs to run. But the poor, ill-fated lamb was alerted too late of your presence.

Just as she was about to break for it, a figure clad in black clothes appeared in front of her.

"You can't run from me." You spoke, finding it amusing that she ever thought she had the slightest chance of escaping.

Historia froze in fear. There you were, the ghoul her lover was just warning her about mere moments ago. Her luck had to have run out for her to run into you of all ghouls.

"P-Please.." She begged. What for? A chance to run? Live? For you to spare her? There was no way. She knew that but it was all she could utter.

Behind your mask, you smirked. This is what you loved about being a ghoul. Pathetic humans begging you to continue their rotten way of living as if you weren't doing them a favor by taking them off the census.

The blonde girl began to quiver as the weight of the situation fully donned on her. She was facing one of the strongest ghouls to ever live with no chances of possible survival.

At this, you began to laugh which just instilled even more fear into the girl. "Oh don't be scared. Be honored you've been chosen instead." You mentioned.

Tears began to cascade down her doll-like eyes as she fell to her knees, no longer being able to brave through her oncoming death. But this did little to sway you from your hunger. In fact, it only encouraged you to take her life even more.

In the blink of an eye, your irises were faced right in front of her tear-filled ones. Historia couldn't help but gasp as she looked into the vibrant shade of crimson which reflected nothing else but her own. In them she saw hunger, pain, desperation, and many more complexities that she couldn't fathom.

Before she could drown in the sea of red, your ukaku shot out from your back, spreading through the space like a magnificent pair of wings. Her crying was ceased as she stared, adoring the beauty of such killing-machines.

Lost in the moment, her hand moved of its own volition and caressed one of your appendages lightly.

To this, your breath hitched. No human, let alone your prey, was ever courageous enough to look you in the eye. Much less touch you. This one was truly odd.

Historia's eyes widened in surprise at just how cold your kagune was. It felt chilling to the bone and she wondered just how something so enchanting could've been the cause for thousands if not millions of deaths.

Well, she was about to reminded just who she was confronting here.

Fed up with her sickening adoration, shards were expelled by your wing-like limbs and punctured through various areas on her skin, leaving ice and frost in their wake. Historia's screams pierced the silence of the streets, yet none had come running to her rescue. Better her than them after all.

You didn't know why but the mere action of a human adoring you brought so much anger that the only thing that could quell your rage was her screams of pain and agony.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2022 ⏰

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