Chapter One

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I was having a nice day, hanging out with my family: a picnic, playing, laughing. Just having a fun time in general. It was sunny out. The sky was clear of any smog. There was also a nice breeze, which moved the brunette bangs covering my birthmark on my forehead, which just so happened to look like the Bigg Dipper, hence my nickname, Dipper

I was laying out in the sun, watching my family play with a beach ball that we found in the garage, behind many old dusty boxes, with spider webs, layers and layers of dust, and rat droppings covering it. The ball looked as good as new, except for the few patches we had to put on because the ball had holes in it.

The ball was soaring through the air, making a curve and falling down, before finally bouncing off of Mable's arms, to go back up then down, and bounce off of my father's arms, to my mother's, continuing in that order, until it bounced off of my father's arms, angleing down, hitting the ground, and rolling away.

I watched the ball rolling and rolling, stopping just before my feet. I heard Mable's calls to me to pass the ball back.

As I was standing up, I heard a loud cracking sound and a scream following it. I hurriedly looked up.

What I saw next was gruesome: the dead bodies of my family, laying just five feet away from me.

They had their extremities torn off, laying a few inches away from them. Blood was everywhere: on the ground, on their bodies, and even on me.

Blood was covering me from head to toe. Everywhere I looked was blood. All I could see was blood.

I dropped to my knees, hands holding my head and screamed.

A few seconds into my screaming exposition, the scene started cracking like glass. The scene was changing into an all-too-knowing black, white, and gray environment.

The Mindscape, I thought. But how! How am I here? Why am I here?

"Well, Pinetree, " A familiar voice called out. "You're here, because I wanted you to be here."
Right after I heard that, a bright yellow light started flashing before me, making me look away while covering my eyes. After the light started fading, I opened my eyes and looked to where the light was.

What was left over from the light was a big golden triangle, floating in the air. The triangle had an eye in the middle of it, and a bow tie right underneath. Floating just above the triangle was a top hat. On the bottom of the triangle was a brick pattern.
Though this triangle looked very familiar, it still took me a few seconds to actually remember its name. The one and only name that came to mind was Bill Cipher.

"Bill?" I said. "But I thought we killed you!"

"Pinetree. There is a big gap between defeating, and killing. What you did, was defeat me, not kill." He said while giving me a look, saying "how stupid are you?"

I was shocked that Bill was back; I just couldn't believe it.

"W-why are y-you here?" I stuttered, scared of what he might do to me.

"Oh don't worry Pinetree, I have no reason to harm you! It's not like you banished me from your dimension or anything!" He laughed, making his eye arch as though he was smiling.

"Then why are you here bothering me?" I asked.

"Because I need a way to get back into your world." He said." And I think that you can give me a way."

This is my first ever story on webto--err, this isn't webtoon--wattpad! I don't really have anything other to say that this-- well except for the usual "don't be an asshole" note and that I just love listening to Hall of the Mountain King and watching that video, and that that's not what he actually looks like, but otherwise, nothing else comes to mind! Goodbye!

Asta_Demon, OUT!

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