Chapter Two

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I was confused about why and how Bill thought that I could bring him back.
How do you even do that? Why does he think I'll even do it? How does he think I'll do it?

Bill just kept watching me; staring at me with his one eye, looking into my soul. It was creepy, to say the least, and I wanted it to stop. I just wanted him gone. . . .
"Here Pinetree, let's make a deal, then I'll leave." He said.

"Why would I want to make a deal with you ?" I asked. I remembered the first time I made a deal with him. I didn't want that to happen again, so, could you blame me for being a little cautious? "You know what? I decline, won't make a deal with you, ever."

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Pinetree."He said. "I would take that deal, it's a win-win, and if you don't take the deal, someone's going to get hurt, and I don't think you want that, Pinetree."
Bill was starting to get angry. His whole form was turning a very saturated red colour.

"What!" I said. I guessed that from his threat, the "certain someone" he was talking about was a member of my family since I didn't actually have any friends, let alone close friends. "Fine! At least tell me the deal, I'll think about it."

"I just want a body, Pinetree." He sighed, getting bored of this conversation and not mad anymore. " Either make me one or find me one and in exchange, I won't hurt your family or friends."

He went into a slouched stance showing that he was bored. He was picking at his fingernails, further showing me how bored he was.
"Hurry it up, Pinetree, " He said. " We don't have much longer."

I was actually contemplating this. I was thinking it through. It was a pretty good deal: my family would be safe, even though they aren't the best family — always taking advantage of my kindness.

With a sigh, he said "Look Pinetree, since you're waking up, I'll leave. For now. I'll come back soon to get an answer."

And with that, he left with the same yellow light he came here with. Then, another bright light shines, though I knew that this light was just me waking up.

I woke up in a sweat. I quickly got up and ran to Mable's room, which was luckily right across from mine.

Getting older, we decided that we each needed space and privacy, well and for another reason,n I'm not going to say. It was a good thing Soos built the extension to the house, which was just a few more rooms.

I opened the door and saw that Mable was still asleep on her bed, probably dreaming about boys.

She looked so calm. Oblivious to the dangers that have come back. If she knew, she'd probably assume I would stop it, maybe by myself, maybe not, maybe she would stop being so selfi-

I cut myself off. Why would I think that?

I close the door and walk back to my room. I walk back and forth in my room, wondering when and how I started thinking like that.

Maybe Bill put it in my head? Maybe I was already in my subconscious, and Bill just brought it up, making me know about it? Maybe I'm just paranoid. . . Yeah, I'm just paranoid.

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