Chapter Four

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 I thought it would be bigger. I thought

I picked up the broken pendant pieces and examined them. I looked at it for about a minute or two, looking for all of the nook and crannies I could find, before folding it into a napkin I found in my backpack. Putting it in my pocket, leaving it to deal with later; I decided to make it into a necklace or something and wear it.

I then started to walk off, leaving the clearing for a later investigation because I wanted to go meet some of my creature friends before dark.

I finally got to the Gnome's home and went to go have some small talk with Jeff. I asked him about the new queen, which turns out to be cervitaur. He described them as "A gorgeous angel that fell from heaven". Once I saw them, I exactly knew what he meant. They were certainly gorgeous. They had brown, wavy, short hair, a button nose, eyes that seemed to sparkle in the sun, the colour of a nice spring day. Their rosy lips stood out from their rich, creamy skin colour. They also had many freckles on their cheeks, going down to their shoulders like a flowing waterfall. Their fur was beautiful. Light brown on the top, light beach colour on the underside. And don't forget the small tail on their back. I went over to them and started making conversation.

"Hi! I'm Dipper," I said, "What's yours?"

"H-hi, Dip-per," He stuttered out, "I-i'm Emery, short f-for 'Emerald'."

"What a lovely name!" I said. And it truly was a beautiful name. From what I could remember of my study of gemology (I decided that it would be an interesting topic to research about), it's also called "Stone of Successful Love". The emerald's color represents vitality, new beginnings, and spring.

"So how did you become the queen?" I asked

"I was, umm, ju-just roaming around a clearing wh-en the gnomes came out an-nd asked me if I was lonely..." Emery answered. "... I said yes and-and they brought me here and I guess I became the que-een..."

"Cool! You know, a few years ago the gnomes tried to make my sister the queen but failed horribly..." I then continued to tell the story. After finishing I noticed Emery laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked

"Oh, nothing," he replied. "It's just funny how they went at making her queen then how they made me queen."

I chuckled, "Yeah, I guess it is funny..."

After talking for a bit longer, I said to Emery that I had to leave because I didn't want it to get dark before at least seeing Multi-bear. So I followed the path I came from and turned left instead of heading straight. It's kinda funny how I can remember my way around the forest even though I haven't been here in a while, well I guess the forest is just calling to me, telling me where to go...

Whatever... I'll think about it later, for now, it's time to say hello to Multi-bear!


The path was the same as I remembered: a lot of bushes, sticks, roots, and forest in general.

After the journey a while I finally got to Multi-bear's cave and want to the entrance.

"Multi-bear! You in here?" I screamed.

"Dipper?" I heard a voice say from inside, immediately recognizing it as Multi-bear. "Dipper!"

"How's it going buddy? haven't seen you in a while!" He asked.

"Great! I just got here, as you can see, and decided to come and visit you!"

"Awesome! Get in get in! We've got a lot of catching up to do!" He then grabbed me by the wrist and started dragging me in. I just laughed while being pulled, almost tripping a few times.



Sorry for the wait...

I have no excuses other than I was busy and lazy...

Very much apologies...

*Bows multiple times*

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