Chapter Five

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Ahh, I thought. Warmth... Beds are so nice, especially when you'r--

"Bro! Bro! Wake Up!" Something hard hit me.

I groaned.

"Mabel!" I sat up and pushed her off. "What the heck!"

"Whatever, Bro Bro! Wake up already!" She said glaring at me. She then ran out the door screaming about something. I didn't really hear it.

I stretched and yawned, thinking of what was for breakfast and headed for my dresser. I got out a dark blue hoody, a white shirt, and black jeans. I went to the bathroom and put my clothes on top of the bathroom counter. I pulled back the curtain to the shower and turned the nobs. The shower turned on and I got in once the water was to my liking. I started doing my normal routine-- shampoo, conditioner, soap...-- while thinking about what happened yesterday with Multibear. We had a really fun time and I was thinking of going back there sometime.

I got out of the shower after rinsing all of the soap off my body and grabbed for my towel. All I felt was air so I looked over and realized that I forgot to grab my towel. Goddamnit... I sighed. I decided to just use my dirty clothes as a towel. I finished drying myself off and got dressed, finishing sith that pretty fast and moving to open the door and go downstairs for breakfast.

For today's menu, there was half-burnt stancakes and glittery mabel juice. Delicious. I went to the cupboard and grabbed a cup and filled it with water. I then sat down and put two stancakes on my plate, drizzled it with syrup and started eating.

I didn't talk to anyone and no one talked to me. That's what happens in a family that doesn't like you. I finished eating and cleaned my dishes so that I won't have more dishes to do later because I'm probably going to be made to do them.

"Hey Dip," My sister said. "Can you not be here later? Some important friends are coming later and I don't want them to know about... us. Like, you being my twin and apart of the family, because no offense and all, but no one likes you... so... just go out to whatever place you hang out at."

I felt a little heartbroken at this but was used to it because she did this all the time in California. She was the "popular cheerleader" at school that everyone likes while I was the dumb nerd no one liked.

"Erm... sure... Mabel..."

"Kay thanks!" She left out the door to wherever she was going. I sighed and went upstairs.

Remembering the pendant, I decided to make it into a necklace. I grabbed some brown twine, glue, crab clasps, pliers and some jump rings. Setting all of the supplies on my desk, I started the work of gluing the pieces together and also gluing on a jump ring to the top of the top hat. I set it down to dry and worked on making the necklace.

I grabbed the twine and measured it to fit my neck, cutting it and setting it down. I put a crab clasp on one side of the twine using the pliers and grabbed two aqua supra finish beads. I tied each one to a jump ring and put one of the beads on the necklace. I set it down again and went to see if Bill was dry. He was so I put him on and added the other bead. I then used the pliers to add the other clasp part to the other side.

I finished the necklace and put it on. I stood up and looked into the full-sized mirror across the room from my dresser. I liked the necklace and it looked good on me. I put it under my shirt and decided that I wanted to read. I grabbed a book from my bookshelf that I've read a million times. I lied down on my bed, opened my book to the last page I read to and got lost in the magical world of Harry Potter.

~o~ . o .

I finished the book and put it back on my bookshelf. viewing through my window, I realized it was almost dark. I went downstairs to find some food and heard hushed talking coming from the living room. I walked towards it and realized that Grunckle Stan and Ford were talking.

"... I don't know..." I heard Grunckle Stan say. "How do you think she'll react?"

"Happy." I heard Grunckle Ford reply. What are they talking about? I stand at the doorway, leaning against the wall peering in.


"He's not important. He is an annoying, irritating, bothersome brat that no one likes. I don't even know why he's apart of the family. He's an incompetent little, scrawny kid. He can't do anything useful and only gets in the way. He saved Gravity Falls once and thinks he's the best, while I discovered more creatures and got sucked into multiple worlds. He's not as great than he thinks."

I could tell they were talking about me. It was apparent they didn't like me, but I didn't think it would hurt as much as it did. It hurt more than when Mabel was being non-sisterly-like, for some reason. I could feel my heart starting to crack. They started talking again. I heard a new voice this time. One I wish I never heard.

"We should just kick him out or something. He ruins my image; being so nerdy and selfish. He's annoying and useless. I wish he was never born. Mom and Dad would be happy if he was gone too. He does nothing but cry and weep now, ever since we came back. It's irritating and it needs to stop."

The voice was filled with poison, with so much viciousness. I couldn't believe it was coming out of the same person's mouth. I knew she didn't appreciate me, or like me, or wanted anything to do with me. But it hurt. It hurt so much. Especially coming out of her mouth.

My own sister.

My own other half.

I knew I shouldn't have trusted her again after Grunckle Ford came through the portal.

I knew.

And yet, I didn't want to believe it. I wanted to have the same relationship, I didn't want anything to change. But I knew it would change.

I felt the tears flowing down my cheeks from my eyes. I could feel the tears land on my socks. I could feel the way the sadness and anger and betrayal and-and- I could feel the emptiness of the now empty space where my heart used to lay.

I ran outside into the night, not knowing where my feet were taking me. I kept running, getting hit by multiple branches but I couldn't feel the stinging pain from the cuts. I was too numb.

I kept running until I tripped over a log. I positioned my self into a fetus position and continued to cry waterfalls. I screamed and cried and screamed. Wanting all of the sadness--the depression-- that welled up inside mt to just get out. I cried for what felt like hours before letting the darkness in and the light out.


Hello my little kiddies.

I know I haven't updated in a long time... but I wrote a longer, and hopefully angsty enough, chapter to help things move along a little faster. I know I might not have portrayed the bullying or whatever it is in the past chapters, but I kinda didn't have a set plan for the book at the time so I just wrote what I felt would help the story progress... but I have a set plan now! Sorry for not updating.

I'll finish the next chapter soon, so stop complaining, dear sister of mine :).

Bye Bye guys! See youin the next chapter~


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