Annoying Author's Note You Probably Won't Read

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Okay so....

Not an update but there should be another one out in a few days or so

So as you know,  schools are closing because of the coronavirus. My school is no exception.

My district has decided to give us a four week break, and when we come back, we'll have only around 25-30 days left till summer break.

Now, this might seem good to some of you, but it is definitely not to me. Foe the whole break, we won't be getting taught anything, so when new go back, the teachers have to cram four weeks of stuff into us so that we can pass, and for subjects like math-- where you're able to easily fail-- it is not going to be fun or easy.

But, with that said, I now have time to actually work on this story!

Okay, so reasons I haven't worked on this story for a while:

1) School

2) Marching band (It's been over for a while now though so...)

3) Practice (though I really don't)

4) I have a PhD in procrastination (like most people)

5) Stress

Yeah, so now I'll be able to work on this more. Though, because my computer is a little crappy at time, there will probably be typos--although that's a guarantee from a freshman in high school who thinks that they're really good at English and thought they could write a good fan fiction. 

We all like to dream.

Okay, so I'll get to working now!

Bye Bye~

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