Another author's note

384 13 6

Ok... sooo

I know I haven't uploaded in a while even though I said I would.... but again, procrastination...

I may be able to work more on it now, but more likely not cause online school is really not good for me

I mean seriously, I have like a million zeros in all of my classes :(

I just wanted to check in on everybody and see how you are doing:

How is online school for you?

Are you ok?

Love <3 <3

I'm going to be working on it now, so there may be another update soon, probably in the next few hours or tomorrow (It's 10 here)

Also, I just wanted to say--though I think it's obvious-- I have no idea what I'm going to do with this book... like, I know I should have written it out... but like..... what the hell am I gong to do???? I have no plans

Whatever, I'll come up with something


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