Chapter 13 - Here Comes the Bride

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Thank you to worldgirlalways for the new cover.

Sofia looked at the church in front of her. Those doors would open and she would walk down the aisle. As soon as she walks through those doors, she can't turn back. She is getting married to William Harris.

William Harris.

Sofia looked behind her at the docks. A few yachts were sitting on the water peacefully, ready for the reception.

The doors opened in front of her and the twelve bridesmaids walked in, two by two.

Sofia took a deep breath. She was marrying the love of her life. Why does it feel so wrong?

Sofia looked at the doors to the church that would open soon. She would walk down the aisle to the altar and say her vows. Then they would sign the papers and go to the reception.

Sofia's hands started shaking.

What if this is the wrong thing to do?

Should I even be getting married at all?

Sofia went to turn back to the car but the doors swing open.

It was too late to back out now.


Luke slammed his foot down on the brakes. Turning the wheel tight, he swerved and avoided a collision.

"Luke!" Lucy's voice rang in his ears as he swerved back around to continue driving. He glanced over at her and saw her face was white, "Luke, it was a bird! Birds can fly out of the way! You don't have to nearly kill us to avoid hitting a stupid pigeon!"

Luke swerved again to avoid a branch in the road.

"Luke!" Maddi's voice croaked from the back seat, "Stop swerving! It's making me feel like throwing up!"

"Just try and do it out the window then!"

"You really expect me to thro-"

Luke hit the brakes suddenly and the car lurched forward. Luke groaned as he heard Maddi throw up behind him.

"Come on! The weddings already started!" Lucy said breathlessly as she jumped out of the car. They were at the church.

Luke jumped out and ran up the steps to the doors. As he got to the door, he heard the preacher.

"If any of you has reasons why these two should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Luke flung the doors open

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