Chapter 7 - Sofia Harris

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Sofia slowly opened her eyes. She was lying on a comfortable bed with extra soft sheets. She sat up and saw that she was in a large bedroom overlooking the ocean. She got up and walked to the window.

"Are you awake Miss?"

Sofia turned around with a start. She saw an old lady peering in through the door.

"Who are you?"

The old lady smiled and walked into the room, "I'm Abigail. I'll be your maid during your stay. Anything you need, just ring the bell and I'll come right up!"

Sofia saw the bell on the wall next to the door and smiled uncertainty. She looked at Abigail, "Where am I?"

Abigail looked taken aback. She blinked and smiled, "Your at William Harris' beachside mansion. You're staying here until you're married."

Sofia's eyes widened. She looked out the window and saw that she was right on the beach. She gasped and saw her reflection in the glass. She was wearing a white dress that was just above her knees and her hair was flowing neatly over her shoulders. She turned and faced Abigail with a very confused look on her face.

"Are you alright Miss? You seem confused." Abigail smiled and made Sofia sit on the bed, "You must've hit your head harder than Mr Harris thought."

"Mr Harris?"

"Why, Will of course! Your fiancée!" Abigail smiled.

Sofia knew she was engaged, but she couldn't remember who it was too. Will Harris sounded familiar, but it didn't fit. She couldn't remember anything about Will or her fiancée. Maybe Will was her fiancée.

"When am I getting married?" Sofia asked.

"Tomorrow of course! You should probably rest. You must be exhausted if you don't remember when you're getting married! I'll call a doctor."

Sofia rubbed her eyes. Tomorrow. She was getting married tomorrow and she couldn't remember her fiancée. Will didn't sound right. Sofia scrunched up her face and thought until her face hurt.


Will Harris.

Sofia Harris.

Sofia Chaser.

Sofia gasped. Who was Chaser? She was meant to get married to Someone Chaser. But who?

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