beautiful beginning

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Geetanjali left nivedita's house. She sat down in the car, she was smiling remembering the behaving of nivedita. She was acting like child in the pregnancy and reynash was going to handle all of it.

Geetanjali's phone started to vibrated as she took it and slid the button to answer. She talked to advait as she answered all his usual question about her whereabouts. She chuckled at the behavior of advait, he started to ask her question before saying hello to her. She answered all of his questions and kept her phone in the bag as the diary caught the attention of her.

'How much we loves our people as we all wanted to know more about our loved ones. We wanted to know how the person fell in love with us and how it all started from their side.' geetanjali thought to herself. She was excited to read more, she turned the pages of the diary and started to read it.


The night was pretty occupied with the thoughts of geetanjali. I couldn't had my night without thinking about her, her smile, her talk, her eyesight, her lips, her cheek. It was all in my mind. My friends mansi and reynash were right. I never stared at someone like I did stared at her.

I could not sleep in the night. I wanted to sleep, I had two meetings in the morning but all I was doing thinking about her instead of working on meetings. I never had sleepless night like I was having that night, I didn't even stayed awake when I was having my final exam. 

I was having questions in my mind like what would happened if she had someone in her mind, what would happened if her parents had decided her marriage with someone, what would happened if she liked some guy or had crush on someone.

Marriage ?, seriously. I just met a girl in the afternoon then I went through meetings then I had dinner with my parents and in the whole process all I was doing thinking about her. I observed my friends, my dad who fell in love with their girl but I never found someone and when I found a girl. She left me without talking to me. Main thing was I did not even tried to talk to her.

I stayed up in the whole night, I tried to sleep but sleep was far away from me. I tried to talk to reynash but he was tired and then he went to sleep directly all he did told me that we are going somewhere before the meetings. I thought again he wanted to take me to the shop to buy something for nivedita but when new thought crossed my mind. All my hopes raised up. I woke him up again in the night and asked him where he want to take me ?

And then he told me we were going to meet nivedita. Nivedita means there was chance to meet a girl whom I met in the afternoon. After that I spent my rest of the night searching for nice outfit. I had made stupid image in front of her. For the another day, I decided to meet her with decent clothes. I had whole closet for me and the whole closet was not enough to help me to dress up.

I took so much efforts finding clothes for myself in the night but they all worth it in the end.When I wakes up beside her and spends my whole day with her. It worth it. The thoughts, I had in the night, sleep less nights and mainly the thing was whole closet was not enough for me. All those stupid things worth it.

In the end, I ended up wearing white t-shirt and blue pants which were my regular outfits but what I could do in the night. My mind and my heart was not with me, they were somewhere else. I asked reynash to fixed time earlier but all he did was he fixed time with 9:00 am. I wanted to meet her before that time but NO ! he wanted to meet her at 9:00 am.

I crossed 4 hours again to meet her. I cursed reynash many times, but he ended up by taking half hour more at the time. I reached his home before the time. After fighting with him on the topic of timing, We reached there in front of her home. Rains was in the parking lot, parking car. He told me to go first. I went towards their home and knocked twice as I accepted geetanjali opened the door for me. I stared at her, she was in her short pant and shirt, she was scrolling her phone and was asking me questions, but I stared at her instead of telling her who I was.

Who are you ?

What do you want ?

Is there any work of yours ?

Have you lost the way ?

Can't you understand ?

Are you alright ?

Do you need some help ?

Are you deaf ?

Do you know the sign language ?

She was asking me question and in the answer I was staring at her. Maybe I was there to stare her and for nothing because that's what my actions were telling. After finishing the questions she called for komal and went away from my sight. On the day, I met komal who helped me a lot.

And another reason why I became friends with her because she came in front of me and asked me If I like geetu or not. She didn't said anything other than giving me her best wishes. I know komal, geetanjali and nivedita were best friends. I thought it was the beautiful beginning of our friendship too.

Because she came and asked me if I like Geetu. She didn't say anything than all the best ! I knew that she, Geetu and Nivi were best friends, I think that is the beginning of our beautiful friendship.


Geetanjali wanted to read another pages but advait wrote only two - three pages. All the pages were about their first meeting.

'What I am going to do now ?' geetanjali thought to herself.


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love love ^_^.

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