Everyone has past.

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Sometimes, you need someone to be with you but there is nothing rather than your loneliness and you have to stay with it. He locked me in the room with the chain around my ankle. He did not wanted to take any another risk with me. He told me I has lost his trust by running away from him again and again.

I spent whole week in the same bedroom. He used to give me the breakfast with new book everyday saying I should entertain myself with the book. He used to say sorry to me while feeding me the breakfast but his sorry was not going to change anything. He snatched my happy life from me, he took me away from my loved ones. He told me he loves my smile and to see my smile he used to sit beside my bed for hours to hours.

He wanted me to be happy with him. In the room, I was not happy with him. If he would have become my friend in the normal way then there were chances to be his friend. I was not going to be happy with him, not in the home, not in the situation, not in my life, not when I was breathing normally.

He never tried to touch me with any bad intention. He just wanted me fo himself. The day was like another days, he gave me breakfast with new book and said sorry to me and left the room without saying any other word.

I spend my whole day with reading and thinking about the future, there was no way I was getting out of the home but the first thing was I would have to do was get out of the chain.The only chain was holding me in the place. It was quiet impossible to get out of those chains.The way was getting out of the chain was key to open them and he was holding the key on his waist. I didn't has any kind of pin or not my bra's were having wires to open the lock. In the end, I was hopeless with all possibilities of escaping.

The day, he did not come on his time. So I decided to lay on the bed. It was not like I was missing him. I was just curious to know why he was late. If he was coming late with any reason then there was possibility that advait has his eyes on him or the police was trying to reach him or maybe there are thinking he was behind my disappearance.

I come out of my thoughts when he opened the door of the house. In the house, small pin was able to make enough noise to alarm me because there was nothing which could make any sound. Only me and the silence. I did not want to his face again. I closed my eyes and covered myself with the duvet trying to pretend I was asleep. Whenver he gets to know I am asleep, he never tries to disturb me. He used to sit on the couch and used to stare at me. As I thought, he sat down beside me and started to caress my hair. I thought he would take a leave after some minutes but nothing happened like that. He sat there and played with my hair.

He took sometime and started to tell me about himself, about his past. Maybe it was unexpected for me but that was the reality. He was telling me about him. Probably he needed someone to talk or he was just looking for the person who could listen to his unsaid words. One person who could comfort him, who could pull him towards the light, who could change his life forever and he was finding the person in me.

From the birth of vishal, his life was unfair with him. His grandfather forced his father to marry his mother. His dad never wanted his mother as his wife. Their talks used to ended up in the fights. The marriage was not good marriage like other couple. His dad wanted to end the marriage with his mother but when every other family memeber get to know about his mother's preganancy. They again convinced his dad to stay in the relationship only for sake of the unborn child. His dad started to think vishal was the reason and because of him he had to stay in the relationship. His dad tried to kill vishal many times by weird incidents but his mother saved him all the time.

Vishal's childhood went hearing his parents fighting, his mom took good care of him but his father always hated him. It was huge mistake for him that he did when he was not in his right mind. After all these, he faced ragging in his school from his senior. He never met a good friend who could stay with him or could support him. All his college friends were following him for his money.

By his words, any one could understand he was alone and his mom paid less attention to him while protecting him from his dad. Any one could see he wanted to say more than few words but before he could tell someone about his feelings, he was swallowing all th words by himself. His mom passed away before he could finish his school life. His mom used to tell him, one day he will find a girl who will show him whole words with new perspective. My words, smile and the way I was talking to others. He loved everything about me. He never attracted to my body, he loved my heart. He visited the orphans where I used to visit. He asked those children about me.

He lost all the connections about me.When I went to my village with my parents without informing anyone and also my friends had no idea about me. He thought he lost me and would never find me. He never paid any attention to another girl. He was living like a body without soul. His dad passed away because he had high amount of alcohol and that's why he had to spent all his time to understand the work of company. He wanted to forget about me and for that he tried to drown himself in work. He had lost himself in the work but there was no minute when he never thought about me.

All his hoped come to life when he saw me in his office. I was there for the interview in his office. He told the person who was going to take my interview to pass me a interview. He did not do any work for a minute all he was doing staring at me through his cameras. He did not want to let me go again. So he started to sent me messages, chocolates and gifts, he thought with all the things he could win my heart but he was late because I fell in love with advait.

He promised his mom he would always protect the girl from every danger and will take good care of her. He lost his mind when advait proposed me for his girlfriend. He was holding his anger back when I started to meet advait. He never liked advait because he was stealing my heart from me and that's why he took the horrible step to take me away from my family.

Not everyone is bad, Condition and situation makes them to take some steps to make the situation as they want. You tries to spend every minutes and hours to live the perfect moment. Sometime, you lost your mind to make it like your choice but you gets forget in the process that nothing is perfect in the world. We all are born to make mistakes. We are not born to prove our selves but who world forces you to prove it. Everyone wants one person in their life to make everything is right and sometimes you takes wrong steps to make the person yours.

Everyone had gone through one bad nightmare which gives you two choices, one choice to be good person and second choice to be bad person forever. This one choice moves your life from up to down. It's all up to you what you want to be.

Whole world tries to judge you by your background but you tries to find one person who will judge you from your behaviour in this world. One person who will stand by you when whole world is against you and when you finds that one person you tries your best to make him or her yours. You also make yourself ready for any situation to make him or her yours by any way.

You don't care about the consequences behind all your actions when you just want to make someone yours.


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