Everything is lie

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Sometimes, you just wakes up from your worst nightmare thinking it was only nightmare. It was confusing for me to believe in my surroundings and the nightmare but sometimes your reality becomes your nightmare and the reality kicks you very hard with the truth and everything seems lie. It's up to you what do you want between the nightmare and reality but it's gonna hurt you in the end.

I experienced the same feelings when I woke up in my own bedroom. Everything was same, the color combination, my bed and the bed sheet, the pictures of the walls. There was nothing weird, even I woke up in my own favorite pajamas. I felt small relief in my heart knowing I am safe in my own bedroom but reality kicked me hard as the window was showing different scene than mine. I started to panic knowing I was somewhere else and it was not my bedroom.

With the window, whole last night's accident replayed in my mind. I wanted to run from him, that was the only thought I was having in my mind. I wanted to go home and with the thoughts I ran from the bed to door. It was locked as I was locked up in his one side love. There was no one who could come to help me in the trap. I was away from my family, from my friends, from my love, my advait. I took some steps in backward side in the state I was alone. As I was busy in my own thoughts, I couldn't feel someone had opened the door and the person was standing in front of me. He hugged me from no where, I tried to push him but in some minutes I knew there was no way out of his arms. He had tight grip on me.

He showed me the clothes which he had placed on the bed, He whispered in my ears, to get some shower and told me to come down for the breakfast. I wanted to decline his offer but his one glare was enough for me to understand I had no other option. I knew, I had to surrender him no matter what. I did what he told me to do, I changed my clothed with the pair of clothes he bought for me. I didn't wanted to face him, so I decided to sat down on the bed but before I could spend few minutes with myself, he came back in the bedroom. He dragged me from the bedroom to the the dining room. He was dragging to me but I was looking everywhere trying to find some way to get out of the trap. It was 3 story house, the main door was the exit of the house, otherwise whole house was decorated with the windows and all the windows were showing the tress as the whole house was around by the jungle.

He forced me to sat down on the chair and kept the plate of breakfast in front of me. It was my favorite, I know he was trying to win my heart with the breakfast. When I pushed the dish from my sight, he stayed calm for minutes and told me to have breakfast. I declined it for two more times and in the both trials, all he did to tell me to have breakfast. On the third time, he forced me to have breakfast. After when he was satisfied with the breakfast he smiled at me purely.

As with the smile I collected my courage to ask me, why he was doing this to me, why did he bought me to the place like this ?, he heard me calmly. Again he smiled at me and caressed my cheeks as he said to me, The world of outside is very bad for me and the outside people wants to hurt me. So he is protecting me from keeping me away from the world. I was confused with his behavior, how can world hurt me and how he was going to protect me.

I told him the person who is hurting me was he by himself but he answered he loves me so much and he would never hurt me till I am following his rules. Ruled were simple as he was thinking, One- I had to stay in the bedroom which was copy of mine. Two- I can roam around the house but I am not allowed to go outside. Three- I am his and I had to remember this for all the time.

He promised me, I can ask for anything from him, anything that my heart desires but I should never ask for my freedom but my freedom was the only thing I wanted from him. I wanted to go outside of the trap. I wanted to cross the line which was laying between my freedom and the trap. Then he smiled at me.

He gave me the whole ride of home saying it was mine too. He was so excited to show me around, he was happy as I was smiling at him through the tour but smile was the only way to keep his anger away from me. Whenever I tries to release my hand from his grip, his grip gets tighter on every trial of mine. He showed me the library which he arranged for me. I was happy with the thought at least I was having something to keep myself sane for sometime. I was not happy with the arrangement of the library, I wanted my freedom instead of the library. In the library, I decided to ask for my freedom and if he didn't allowed me to go them I will try to escape from the place.

Days were passing with new ones. I was staying all alone in the room, the library was not able to cool me down for specific time. I couldn't understand when he was going out and when he was coming inside. When he used to come home, he will tell me about his whole day. How he spend by doing his work.

For him, I was lifeless doll which he wanted to decorate with new clothes and accessories. He gave me everything but my satisfaction was hidden in the freedom which was outside of the house. When I used to stand in front of the mirror, only I could see was helpless girl who was ashamed of her own body. I knew he has changed my clothes which means he had seen my body and the thought of his act was enough to make me ashamed of myself.

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