After reading diary of advait, after knowing how much he loves her and won't leave her. Geetanjali finds herself in situation of understanding
where she has to share her past with him to free herself.
After attending an interview with his wife...
Geetanjali was glad as per her thinking advait knew everything about him. She love him but after reading the diary she was feeling in love with him again and again.
It's been two days, when they spent their whole saturday night with each other. Today, geetanjali was getting ready for their dinner plan. Advait planned everything for them, It was not the first time when they were going to this kind of dinner but she didn't know why today's dinner was different than other ones. She didn't wanted to think about something different but her inner side was telling her it was different.
"Okay, you can do this. " she yelled at herself for gaining her balance.
She took off shoulder top and ripped jeans for today, she wanted to wear dress which could give her some kind of dinner look but he told her he wanted him to wear top and jeans so here she was wearing it.
"Hey, are you ready ?" he asked her as he comes into the makeup room.
"Yeah actually !" she said.
"hmm, come with me." he said. She followed him as they went outside of the home. She stood staring at advait, 'What I am without him ? Once I was with my little job and my mess but now here I am with him, with my husband, with love of my life.' geetanjali thought to herself.
"What happened ?" he asked her.
"Nothing...." geetanjali said to him while smiling.
"Then....." he said while holding her hand and he helped me to hoped in the car.
"Let me handle this." he said to her.
"Okay...." she said. After closing the door, he hoped in the driver seat and started to drive the car.
At the place:
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-ignore the peoples.
The whole place was decorated in the darkness as candles were giving life to it and the tree were providing the air to breathe. They walked to the place holding each other's hand. He knew very well, she loves this kind of places.
"I know, you loved it !" he said while tucking her behind her ear.
"Yeah !" geetanjali said as he took her 'yes' and started to placing kisses on my neck.
"Come...." he said. He took her hand and helped her to sit on the chair. She mumbled thanks to him as he smiled at her. He ordered her favorite dish for the dinner.
"Everything is on my choice !" geetanjali said.
"Yeah !, I just wanna talk to you on some topics." advait said.
"Go ahead !" she said.
"But first can we start the dinner. It looks delicious." she said and started to take bites of the food. Advait smiled at her.