Until the moment

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In the end, she decided to tell him the truth of her past. He was happy his wife was opening up to him and the meaning was they both won't be able to have any problem with each other. He changed the first tape with other one and pushed the button of the tape.


There was nothing bad till the moment everything was fine.

As long as I did not know anything about his obsession about me. I could not understand his words which he was using for me. It seemed that he was hiding something from me. There was something wrong with him. He just wanted to keep me in the house. He never tried to touch me but they all were waiting for the moment.

Two weeks crossed from the day when he bought me. I did not want to be there anymore, I wanted to run away from the place but I didn't know the way to get out of the house, my out of way was only the main exit and I had no idea how to open it. There was only forests on the four side of the house and everything was locked. It was impossible to get out of the windows. There was nothing could help me.

The day, vishal came home early than I expected. He was angry at something as he entered into the home, he started to call my name. I don't know why but his voice was showing some fear. When I stood up in front of him, he told me about advait who was trying his best to find me. I was happy with the thought my friends were doing everything to fine me. It was obvious, I got disappeared from the half way of the street. There was nothing wrong if they were trying to find me but vishal was not happy.

So I told him that there was nothing bad in if they care about me. I had spent my half of life with my friends and Advait loves me so he will definitely try to find me. He wanted to say that no one should try to find me and they should allow me to stay with him forever but this was not going to happen in any way and also i wanted to go home. So I told him about my feelings and he was angry at me.

Sometimes, our words becomes a way to make the situation worst and it pushes you in the punishment and now it's too late to say sorry. That's what I did. I told him about how I fell in love with advait and I want to stay with advait not him. Advait makes me happy and how my friends loves me. He heard my words very patiently but as my words fell on his ears, he was getting angry. He told me how much he loved me and there was no one beside him who will love me like these.

I knew he was angry because of my words and I knew he was going to punish me by keeping me starving for whole day but I had no idea he was going to hurt me. He grabbed my hand tightly while keeping eye contact with me. He was dragging me somewhere in the house. The way we were crossing was dark as there was no way of coming light. He dragged me to the across the room, there was nothing but the walls which were filled with the photos. There was nothing I can see rather than my photos, the wall was blend into the photos. I didn't knew how he collected my photos but the whole room was witness of his obsession towards me. There was no one going to get me out of the matter. There was no way to get out of the house. I was trapped within the four walls and now the walls with my photos was haunting me.

He told me, he first saw me on the first day of our college. He started to love from the incident. He wanted to tell me he loves me but I never paid any attention towards him. He tried to have a talk with me but I never answered him. He was standing in front of me but I never noticed him. Then he slowly began to gather all the information about me. My college timing, who were my friends, with whom I loves to spend my time with, with whom I likes to hang out, what was my favorite dish, my favorite color, my favorite designing clothes, the hairstyle I loves, what were my favorite books, everything. After seeing his face, I knew he had gone far from the reality to search about me.

With these, he learned to click my photos as I used to like taking photos of mine. He wanted to show me the photos but he didn't showed me thinking I would get angry with him. I was angry with him, how can someone clicks photos of someone and keeps them in such way where the person could feel awkward. I was angry at him, the way he was telling me the story of my college time.

He tried to convince me so much that he love me a lot but I was not in my mind to answer him. I told him, I wanted to go to my family, to my advait. When he heard advait's name, He slapped me on the very second. He told me, he was my family, he was my advait and the house was mine and I has to stay with him.

I told him, I wouldn't stay with him. Not after what I seen in the room. It was wrong decision of mine but I pushed him with my all force and ran away from him. It was absolutely wrong decision of mine but it felt so good for a while. On my luck, he did not shut the door. I took the advantage of it and fled away from him. I did not know where i was running and in which way I should be running but I took the way which was in front of me. I ran away from the house in the hope, I would find someone and he or she will help me to get out.

In the time, my fate was not with me. I was running while checking my back doing these for many times, I couldn't notice the stone which was enough to make me fall on the ground. Before I could handle myself from the fall he caught me. The ways of his eyes were speaking to me I knew I was in deep trouble. 'let's go home !' he said words and with those words, my life was sealed with him again. I never understand how he used to find me on every time but he used to do it perfectly.

When he realized, I was not making any move to get up or to go with him. He gave me injection and with the effect of it. I was weak in front of him and he won the situation gain. I lost the game because I was too weak to face him, maybe I could have fought harder for my freedom. If I would have fought harder then maybe there was chance I could have saved myself from the situation I got into myself which was waiting for me. 

It was not my first trial to run away from him. I tried to run away so many times but at the end he would catch me without making any other effort. Whenever he used to caught me after running away from him, he would punish me by not giving me food. Sometimes, he used to lock me in the room with the water tap on, he knew I had hydrophobia but he used to put me in it. It always feels like he had been preparing himself for all the situations. It was game for him which I was playing without knowing any rules or regulations and the steps of it.


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