Chapter 4: We already cleared it with management

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A/N: Hey! I hope ya'll like the story so far!:) Already have 26 reads!:) Well recap: Ended the last chapter with Molly in Liam's bed.:) Hope you like the next chapter! Well here you go!


Emma's P.O.V.

I wake up in an unfamiliar bed and room. Then I notice two arms wrapped tightly around me. I turn around and I see Niall looking right at me. "Morning Beautiful“ He says I remember the park yesterday. I remember crying into Niall's chest and him carrying me home, but I fell asleep on the way there so I didn't know where he was taking me, but I trusted him. I didn't think that he would bring me to his bed to sleep in, but I guess I was wrong. Yesterday I was planning on telling him how I felt, but I fell asleep. I look into his beautiful eyes. "Niall about yesterday." "What about it Em.?" "Well I sorta like you to." I look up to see his face. He has a huge smile on his face. Then he leans down getting really close to my face. "I was hoping you would say that." He whispers then he kisses my lips softly. "Emma will you be my girlfriend?" "Of course I will Nialler!" Just as we were about to kiss again Louis runs in and runs to me. "Superman is here to save you from the man trying to eat your face!" He yells. I laugh and he picks me up and yells "CARROTS!" then starts running out of the room. I look at Niall and he has an annoyed expression on his face. Louis runs into the living room and I see everyone awake except Sarah and Zayn, those two can sleep through anything! Louis runs around with me on his shoulder for a while then he sets me on the couch and starts tickling me. "Stop...... Louis...... Please!" I say between laughs. Then I hear Niall yell "She is mine Louis! Back off!" Louis starts laughing then is suddenly gone. I look and see that Zayn came out and picked Louis up off of me. He takes him to the kitchen and tells him to stay. I laugh and Deanna goes into the kitchen to help him make breakfast. Suddenly I feel the couch under me disappear. I look up and see beautiful blue eyes looking down at me. I smile and nuzzle myself into Niall's chest. He brings me back into the room and sets me down on the bed laying over me. I look up at him and smile at him.  “So what are we doing today?" I asked. "Hmmm I don't know... let’s go back out there?" Niall says. "Sure." When we get out there every one is sitting in the living room except Deanna and Louis. "So what’s going on today." Molly asks. "Well we have a concert tonight." Liam said when he looked up from his phone. "So we have a sound check and rehearsals in two hours." he adds. "You girls should come with us!" screamed Louis who was let out of the kitchen. "I don't know about that." I say. "Why not?" Harry asks. I look at them all and say “What will fans think when they see us all together? “ “So what, let them think... plus I wanna show off my girlfriend." Niall says winking. " WHAT?! GIRLFRIEND?!" all the girls yell. " Haha yes it is official Nialler has claimed me!" I say. Harry starts to fake pout and says “Aww but I wanted you!" “I’m sorry Hazza!" I say. “But I thought we had something special" Louis said acting hurt. “We did Boo Bear, but I love Emma too." Harry says back and Louis starts to 'cry' and leans on Deanna who came in a minute ago. She pats him on the back and Harry looks at Louis and says “I’m sorry Boo Bear please forgive me! I change my mind! I don't want Emma! I want you and only you!" “But I thought you wanted me!" Caeli says and runs away crying.... I think she thinks we are being serious! Caeli can be very slow.... she is a true blonde! We all stop acting and go back to being normal... well as normal as you can be with these boys and Harry runs after Caeli. They come back later and Caeli has a huge smile on her face. “Ok well we need to go home and either get some clothes and bring them here or we need to go shopping." I say. All the girls get up and say go home we didn’t bring our wallets, but then Louis screams "shopping!” “But we don't have any Money with us." Molly says. Then all the boys eyes light up. "Every boy pays for their girl!" Liam says. All of us girls protest but end up giving in. We all head out to the van and Louis gets in the driver’s seat. He starts driving to the nearest mall. Harry reaches and turns on the radio and What Makes You Beautiful comes on. All of the boys start singing their parts. They all sound amazing and soon we end up at the mall. Before we get out of the van I ask “What will management say when they see ya'll with us?" “We already cleared it with management" Liam says. After that all of the boys slip on their sunglasses and we all get out. When we get inside we decide to go to H&M. I find the cutest outfit and pick it up then I see the price and put it down again. Niall comes over to me and picks it up again. “You like this?” “Yeah but it's cost way too much. I can't let you pay that much on something for me.” He looks at the price and shrugs. He walks up

to the cashier and pays for it then walks back to me. “Happy birthday." He says. "But it isn't my birthday." I say. “Well then happy whatever... now take it and be happy." He says then kisses my lips softly. “Thank you Nialler." I say. "Now let’s go pick out some shoes for you." He says. “The ones I have on are fine for this." “No they aren’t... new outfit new shoes." I sigh and walk to the shoes with him. I pick out some and he pays for me again. “I promise I’m gonna pay you back as soon as I can Niall." I say. “NO I don't want you to. This is my present to my new girlfriend." He says back. "Ugh fine!" I sigh. Niall pulls out his phone and calls Liam. "Hey Li. where are ya'll?.... ok.....yeah....k see you there." Niall looks at me then grabs my hand and starts walking. "Where are we going?" I asks. "To meet the others." He says as if it is obvious. We meet up with them then we get McDonalds for lunch. When we are finished we went to the rehearsals. The boys are doing amazing! After everything we go and sit in the dressing room for about an hour or two. "So what are we gonna do for the concert?" Sarah asks motioning to me and the other girls. "Stay here back stage?" Zayn says as if it was obvious. "So we have to go through the pain of listening ya'll sing again?! How am I gonna survive?!" I say sarcastically. All of the boys look at me. "You did not just insult the Swagmaster from Doncaster!!!" Louis shouts. He looks sad, "And what if I did?" I say back. "Then you better take it back or else!" He threatens me. "Or else what?" "Or else you will never get to watch Toy Story with me ever!" Liam shouts. "Ok I take it back!" I say. We all laugh then the boys all have to go get dressed and go to make-up, meanwhile the girls and I get into the outfits that we bought today. After we are done the boys come back. When they all walk in all of their mouths drop open. We are all in beautiful dresses and heels and we all did our own make-up and hair. "Close your mouths boys or else ya'll are gonna catch flies!" Sarah says. "You all just look so amazing!" Zayn says back. Then Paul (their head of security) comes in and tells them it's time to go on stage. We all walk out and the boys wait for their cues. Just before they go out all of us girls give each of them a good luck kiss. The boys go on stage and say "Hello New Orleans, Louisiana!" then they begin singing starting with Up All Night. They sing a couple of more songs then Niall says "Hey guys I would like to introduce ya'll to someone special to me." Everyone cheers and Niall looks at me, "Em. would you please join me on stage?”

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