Chapter 19: Rum cake

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Jazmine’s p.o.v.

My mom grabbed my arm so tight that I could feel it going numb. I tried to wriggle out of it, but she was just not having it. I guess if I was about to find out if my daughter was alive or not, then I would be this freaked out also. Emma was on my other side holding onto my hand and trying to act strong for us. I could see the tears brimming her eyes though. “So, what’s the news? Good or bad?” I asked quietly. His face turned into a look of pity and sadness as he said “Bad.” That one simple word made my mom burst into even more hysterics, if that was even possible, into my shoulder. The doctor waited for a little bit for just that one simple word, which can a person’s whole word upside down, to sink in. After a couple of minutes and when my mom calmed down enough to be able to listen to him, he continued. “We tried our best, but the bullet went right into her heart. I’m very sorry to say, but she didn’t make it.” Mom and I broke down and sobbed even hard than before just then. I can’t believe that I just lost my little sister. Sure we had our fights and didn’t always get along, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love her any less. “I’ll come back in a little bit, and then we will talk.” The doctor said and walked away.

Emma’s p.o.v.

Jazmine and her mom have been sitting in the hall outside of then room that Ally is in crying and refusing to leave. The doctor came back a little while ago and told me that we can go into her room, one at a time, and say our final goodbyes before they take her away. I decided that I was going to go in first, then get Jaz to go in. As I walk into the room, I see Ally in the bed just lying there, not moving at all. She had no color in her face, her lips were white and cracked. I hated seeing her like this, even if she isn’t my sister by blood, she is still my best friend’s sister, which makes her a ‘sister’ to me. I walk up to her bed and sit in the chair next to it. I grab her lifeless hand and give it a squeeze. “Hey Al, I’m going to miss you so terribly much. I promise you I will be here for Jaz as much as I can. Please watch over her while you are up there. She is going to be falling apart after losing your dad a couple years back, and now you. I just hate to see you go like this. You were so young and had so much going for you. I love you Al, so much.” I paused and wiped the tears that were falling off of my check. “Bye Al, I’ll see you again one day, I promise.” After I said that I kissed her check and got up to leave. When I walked out of the room I noticed that Louis and Niall are now here. As soon as Niall saw me he ran to me and I finally broke down in his arms. I just couldn’t hold it in anymore. It all just finally got to me.

“Shh, babe. It’s going to get better I promise.” Niall said while kissing my forehead. “I know it is Nialler, but I just miss her so much already. I can only imagine half of what Jazmine is feeling. First her dad, and now Ally. All she has left is her mom.” I sobbed into Niall’s shirt. “I know babe, I know. We are going to take You and Jazmine and her mom home now. Y’all can either go back to Jazmine’s and we will come with y’all or we can all go to mine. Whichever is fine.” Niall said while rubbing soothing circles into my back.

We decided to just got to Niall’s flat. I don’t think we could stand seeing all of Ally’s things at Jazmine’s. Jazmine’s mom has calmed down enough to where we were able to actually talk and try to get through this tragic moment. We know that she is in a better place now. We know that she will be proud of Jazmine now knowing that she is with One Direction, Ally’s favorite band. We know Ally wouldn’t want us all just sitting around and just sulking. She would want us to go out and live our lives.

~~~~~~~~ 6 Months later~~~~~~~~~~

Jazmine’s P.O.V.

It’s been 6 months since I lost Ally. Of course I’m sad, but I know she would want me living my life. In these 6 months I have gotten so much better. Louis asked me to be his official girlfriend!! The only thing that drastically changed was the fact that Zayn and Sarah had this huge fight, because she said he wasn’t paying enough attention to her. Zayn also thought she was getting to clingy. About a month after Zayn and Sarah broke up, he started dating a girl named Perrie Edwards. She is really nice and gets along with all of us! Her and Zayn are perfect for each other! You can look in his eyes and tell that he loves her with all of his heart.

Liam and Molly are still going strong. So are Caeli and Harry. Harry spoils Caeli like there is no tomorrow. He truly loves her also. Caeli has also lost a lot of weight. She let all of the hate from all the fans get to her and she started going to the gym. Don’t get me wrong, she was beautiful before she lost weight, but now DAANNNGGGG she was so fine! She was so skinny now! Not like scrawny skinny either! Like she had a flat stomach and was tan! Her blonde hair about half way down her back and standing out even more against her tan skin!

Niall and Emma were good too. They have one of the most perfect relationships I have seen, besides Louis and I’s. They never fight and always seem to know what the other is thinking. Niall took Emma on some big romantic date and gave her a promise ring! I’m so happy for her! My best friend is finally growing up!

Emma’s P.O.V.

Life is good. Niall and I are perfect. Everyone is still in their couples, except Zayn is wit Perrie now of course. I bet you Jaz told about my promise ring from Niall? It was beautiful. It was an infinity sing ring with the date that we met engraved into the band. Niall was so nervous giving it to me. He even almost dropped the ring! Of course me being my awkward self, laughed at that which caused him to blush even more.

I bet Jazmine didn’t tell you that Louis also gave her a promise ring. That boy was head over heels for her. And to think, if he wouldn’t have gone to that club with us, he would have never met her. Haha wow who am I kidding, I would have found a way to get them to meet.

Now currently Jazmine and I are dancing around the kitchen listening to the soundtrack to the movie Burlesque. We are also making a Rum cake! Mmmm my Rum cakes are the best! I soak them in the glaze to where they are dripping and were super moist. Usually I make the glaze hot enough to where the alcohol cooks out of the glaze, but   this time I decided to add extra Rum to it after heating it up so that there is a kick to it.

We are currently waiting for the cake to cool. ‘Show Me How You Burlesque’ came on and Jazmine and I jumped up. This is our favorite song from the whole movie, well except ‘Express’ of course. While we were jumping around and singing, terribly I might add, Caeli came in and joined us followed by the other girls. The guys were all at a photoshoot. When the song was over we all collapsed and were bending over laughing. I got up to check the cake. It was cool enough so I took it out of the pan and put it on the tray so that I could glaze it. Of course me being my awkward self, looked at it, then smelled it and told it “Mmmm you look and smell sexy”. Apparently  I didn’t say it low like I wanted to since I heard all of the girls erupt in laughter again. “Oh don’t act like y’all wouldn’t say that if you looked at it!” I said while laughing at it also. Once I said that, they all got up and ran over to the cake and smelled it. Of course they all agreed that it smelt sexy. Molly even smacked the back of it like she was smacking its’ butt. Ahh what an awkward group we are. 

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