Chapter 5: You don't wanna stay with us?

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Authors note: Hey guys so sorry that I haven't posted in a while! I promise I'm getting my own computer soon so I can post more. Also I am sorry if there are any errors because I'm using my aunts IPad:) Well here is chapter 5! Hope you like it!

Emma's P.O.V.

"Can you join me on stage?" Niall asked me. I shake my head no then try to run away but the girls catch me. Niall comes over and grabs my hand and drags me on stage. I can here fans shouting things at me like "Who is that?" "Is she your girlfriend?!" "She is so pretty!" there were also bad ones. Some like "Who is that hoe?" Niall brings me to a stool and I look down at the floor. Niall puts his hand under my chin making me look up at him. "What do y'all think? Is she beautiful?" I can hear all the answers, most of them a yes but the occasional no. I blush and look Niall in the eyes. "Well I just wanted to make it official to where my fans know." I look at him like he is crazy. "Everyone! This is my girlfriend, Emma!" The crowd erupts in aws. I smile and Niall pecks my lips. I hear more aws. I get a huge grin on my face, "This one is for you babe!" then the music starts for 'Stole My Heart' All the boys are on stage dancing around me and singing to me. When I realize what's going on I look around and see 4 more benches around mine. One by one the guys go and grab their girls during the song. After the song is over the guys introduce the rest of the girls. "This is the beautiful Caeli" Harry says. "Unfortunately she isn't my girlfriend" Harry says with a frown. Caeli's smile disappears a little. Then he walks over to her and whispers “Yet.” into her ear and you could see her blushing like mad. "This is lovely Molly." Liam says "But she also isn't my girlfriend" Molly looks a little disappointed but she is trying her best to hide it. "This is amazing Deanna!! And she likes carrots!!!" Louis yells. "But she isn't my girlfriend...... Yet." he says and winks. Deanna looks confused. "Anyways...... This is my girlfriend Sarah." Zayn says and everyone else looks at them with shock on their faces. Sarah looks down smiling and blushing. ' Explain later' she mouths to us. We all nod. All the boys congratulate Zayn. The boys start singing 'What Makes You Beautiful' to us. After that Louis gets on one knee and out of know where has a rose. "Deanna Nicole, will you be my girlfriend?" "YES! OF COURSE!!" Deanna yells back. We all laugh and Louis picks her up and spins her around while kissing her and the crowd aws. Then all of us girls go back to the dressing room while the guys do twitter questions. "Oh my goodness! Niall and I! Sarah and Zayn! And Deanna and Louis!! This is so exciting!!” I yell and we all smile except Caeli and Molly. I feel bad that Liam and Harry haven't asked them yet. "It's ok girls, they are probably waiting for the perfect time." I tell them. We sit in there and talk for about 20 mins in which Sarah explains that her and Zayn were talking last night and he just came out with it and asked her out. Suddenly the door burst open and 5 sweaty boys run in the room. They all try to hug us but we push them away. "Not until y'all take showers!" Molly yells. They groan and then sit down. "So how did you like the concert?" Harry ask. "Weeeeellllllll..... It was ok." I say while winking. "OK?" Niall ask me. "Well you were absolutely amazing! Except when you pulled me on the stage! Why did you do that?!" I asked "Because I wanted the world to know how lucky I am! That I have the most amazing girlfriend ever!" He replied while pulling me onto his lap. "Ugh ok... when can us girls go home?" Deanna asked. "You wanna go home? You don't wanna stay with us?" Louis asked pretending to be hurt. "Of course I do boo! I just need to get some stuff and if

ya'll want we can all spend the night at our house tonight and do a movie marathon?" Deanna said back. Everyone agreed and we went to get in the van and I told the driver the address and how to get there. "Turn on the radio please!" Liam said. Payphone by Maroon 5 came on and we started singing. Louis starts it off "I'm at a payphone, trying to call home" "All of my change I spent on you!“-Niall "Where have the times gone"-Liam "Baby it’s all wrong"-Zayn "Where are the plans we made for two?"-Harry "If happy ever did exists!"-Sarah "I would still be holding you like this!" -Deanna " All those ferry tails are full of shh"-Caeli "One more fricken love song I'll be sick!"-Molly "Now I'm at a payphone!"-me. When the song is over all the guys are staring at us with their eyes wide open. "I know we sing horrible!" Caeli says. "No ya'll don't!"-Harry "Ya'll are amazing!!"-Louis "No we really aren't"- Sarah "Ok believe what ya'll want but we still think that ya'll are amazing!"-Niall "We are here!"-driver

Harry's P.O.V.

We are arguing with the girls because they think that they can't sing! They are really amazing singers! We just have to convince them that they are. I can't believe Caeli doesn't think that she is good! She is wonderful and overall perfect and not with just singing. I really like her! She is sweet, caring and funny!

Yeah she isn't model type and super skinny, but I love a girl with curves;) *AUTHORS NOTE!! : I put the curvy part in just for my best friend, oh and it’s also describing her:)* I just need to find the perfect time to ask her out. I'm going to ask her on a date first though! When we get to the girls house we expected

like a small house with like two bed rooms and bunk beds in each room with a small kitchen and all that kind of stuff. But when we get out of the car and look at where they live we are all completely shocked.

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