Chapter 12: Jazmine

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Author's note*** sory it's short!!! The video on the side is one that Niall acctualy recoreded and it happened sometime this week. I put it on here because I love it and thought it was funny/ cute.

[One week later]

Louis's P.O.V.

It has been a week since Deanna left. Of course I miss her, but I still don't forgive her. She really hurt me. I bet she is with that brandon guy. Well we are going out to the pub tonight. Emma said she wanted to introduce me to someone. I think her name was Jazmine? I don't know, all I know is that it started with a j. I don't really want to go tonight, but Niall said I needed to. I asked him about the girl and he said she was one of Emma's best friends and that she is really cool. We are leaving in about 2 hours. Right now Spongebob was on. It was my favorite episode. The one where Spongebob decides to give bubble blowing lessons. "Hey Lou. When are you going to get ready?" Emma said walking in. She has been taking care of me all week. Making sure I was ok and all. "Later. I'm not a girl. I don't need to get ready 2 hours before leaving." I said back. "Well Zayn is getting ready. He isn't a girl." she said back. "Yeah, but he is Zayn. After he showers and gets dressed he has to fix his hair. His hair has to be perfect. It it isn't six inches high, he has a hissy fit. If it deflates to even five inches he pulls out a comb and a mirror to fix it." I said while grinning. "Well yeah, you have a point. Liam is just gonna shower and get dressed, seeing he has no hair to fix." Emma said. "Now get your lazy bum up and go shower. We decided on leaving earlier. Whenever you are ready, we are going to leave. All of the other boys have showered and are getting dressed now." Emma said while getting up off the sofa. "Ugh ok, but why do you even want me to meet this girl?" I asked. "This girl's name is Jazmine, and I want you to meet her because I just wanna see you happy again and to have someone in your life, other than all of us." Emma said with a serious face. "Ok, but if I don't like her, I blame you." I said joking around with her. "I can handle that." She said and walked into the kitchen. I walked upstairs to go get ready. I quickly hopped in the shower and washed myself. Whenever I got out I ran ino Deanna's old room, now my room. All of her stuff was gone and now it was just some of my stuff. We keep some stuff here so that we don't have to keep going back and forth between houses.The girls also keep some stuff at our house. We are planning on bringing the girls on a shopping spree soon, next time we have a free day. We have one tomorrow, but I figured we shouldn't go tomorrow because some of us might have hangovers. We have rehearsal tomorrow afternoon because we have a show. That's the only way they let us have this week off, if we promised to do one show during the week. Our new album called Take Me Home just came out. Niall wrote five of the songs on it. Our manager came up with an idea of we put a 1Dgolden tickect in some of the ones that go to Walmart and whoever wins gets to go to our concert in Madison Square Garden and then spend a "special" day with us on December 3rd and 4th. I can't wait to see who wins. I just hope that it's not someone who is going to scream and fangirl in front of us. That gets really annoying sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I love out girls, but they get out of hand sometimes. Once one of them tried to steel my favorite beenie. Which is not cool. You don't ever touch my beenie, ever. Well it's time to go. Guess I have to meet this girl, even if I don't want to. "Are you ready Lou?" Molly asked. "Yeah, let's get on the road and get this over with." I said while sighing. "Hey Lou, it's going to be ok. Jazmine is actually really cool, and she is some what just like you. Just give her a chance. Please?" She said back. "Fine! Ok! I will try my best to be nice and happy and cheerful and the old Lou. Is that better?" I say back. "Yes much. Alright let's go" She said "Crazy, crazy, crazy till we see the sun!" I sang back. "Wow Lou. Really?" Molly said while laughing. "What?! I love our new single!" I said. "Ok....." She said. We all loaded into a van and had Paul drive us to the club so that we don't have to worry about driving back. While we were in there we were all jamming out and singing at the top of our lungs. I think to night is going to be a reallyfun night.

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