Back to school

616 19 14

My alarm went off at exactly 5:00 o clock am. I slowly sat up and faced my window. My eyes were still a little puffy from crying myself to sleep, it's been 2 days sense Marie left. I couldn't help but think something happened to her but I knew that it was just my crazy mind. I stood up and walked directly to my closet. I thought it was funny this is sort of how my day started when I found out Marie was gone. I grabbed my uniform and slipped it on. I started walking towards the bathroom, when grandpa stopped me in the hall way. "Callie I know it will be hard for you to go back so if you want to come home call anytime" "I think I will be okay grandpa" I thought it strange how grandpa was up this early he usually never is. "Im going to make you and I breakfast while you do your hair and make up, okay?" "Okay grandpa, thank you" "of course Callie." Grandpa walks off. I walk in the bathroom. "Ugh my face looks to tired not perky and happy like it usually does." Nothing a little blush and mascara with eyeliner can't fix. I did my make up as nice as could for today, I still had dark circles under my eyes, at this point I didn't care. I went to the kitchen and sat at the table with my backpack by the foot of my chair ready to go. Grandpa made pancakes with bacon. This made me smile for the first time in two days. "Here ya go cal, the bacon is just the way you like it" "Thank you grandpa" I ate one strip of bacon and it was crispy just the way I like it. "Have you heard anything from Marie?" Asked grandpa " No, I haven't I really wish I had though because I miss her. I've spammed her phone but I haven't gotten a reply" " I'm so sorry Cal but don't worry she will text you eventually I mean she is your cousin" "Whatever you say grandpa." We finished eating just in time. "Kay grandpa I gotta go I love you and thanks for breakfast" I kissed grandpa on the cheek, grabbed my backpack and walked out the door. I finally arrived at school, I quickly went to my locker grabbed what I needed and started walking off, but then I noticed a familiar face was walking towards me... it was Sayuri...

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