|chapter twenty|

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A/n: So.. I'm finally updating! Things have been a little hectic lately. A little fact about my life- This book is my dirty little secret. So between sneaking around with this and everything else, I kind of get limited time for writing, but things should slow down here soon. But know that when I'm not writing, I am usually always thinking about writing. I've already got two sequels pretty much mapped out in my head which brings me to my second announcement.

I plan on wrapping this book up soon, probably within the next few chapters or so, and continuing Kathryn and Severus' story in book two. I'll keep y'all posted with more information about that soon. Thank y'all so much for reading this, and for your votes and comments. Aside from a couple of short stories I was required to turn in back in high school, I've always been too afraid to actually let anyone read my writing. So this book is kind of big deal for me lol. Anyways, I'll shut up now and let y'all get to the story. 😘

They were screaming. Oh how wonderful their screams sounded. I wanted to submerse in that sound, to bathe in their fear. I laughed out loud as I walked through the small village, destroying everything I touched. Even the grass beneath my feet withered and died as I stepped across it, and every tree and plant around did the same. Blood coated my bare arms, slowly dripping off my fingertips. I looked down at them, mesmerized. I felt so... alive.

Two people, intertwined with one another, stopped me in my tracks. They were standing in the middle of the street, the light from the streetlamp overhead acting as a spotlight as the two lovers kissed deeply. I edged closer, and suddenly I was the one who was afraid. I could make out Severus' form as he pulled the mystery woman tighter against him. I squinted as I tried to make out her features, but she was too blurry. Everything around them seemed to become blurry. Everything but Severus.

As if he sensed me watching them, he broke his lips away from the woman's and turned to face me. His face held no love, no adoration as his obsidian eyes met mine. "Crying doesn't suit you, Ms. Quinn," he snarled, not bothering to hide the hatred in his voice. I hadn't realized I was crying. I slowly raised a hand to my face and wiped away a fresh tear.

"Did you really think I would ever be yours? Daft girl. I will never love you," he chuckled darkly as he grabbed his mystery woman by the waist and pulled her tightly against his side. "No one will ever love a monster like you."

I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing would come out. I screamed his name silently as he turned away and began to walk away with the woman. I tried to chase after him, but I couldn't move. It was like my body was frozen to the spot of ground beneath me. I looked down at the blood that covered my arms and released a silent sob. He was right. I was a monster.

"You need to wake up right now!" A voice called to me from somewhere far away, but I was too wrapped up in my own misery to pay it much attention. "Damn it, Kathryn. Wake the fuck up,"  the voice yelled, but I couldn't do anything but scream.

I gasped, my eyes opening wide as I scrambled into an upright position in the bed as the sensation of ice cold water being dumped over my body hit me. My clothes, as well as the blankets on the bed were drenched. My head whipped around as I took in the condition of the room around me. Everything seemed to be destroyed. The mirror above the dresser was shattered. Every drawer in the room seemed to have been ripped out and tossed around, their contents scattered across the hardwood. Severus was standing next to the bed, his wand extended. He was breathing heavily and watching me with a wary grimace.

"What happened?" I asked, my throat burning as I spoke.

"You were screaming in your sleep. I tried to wake you up, but it only got worse."

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