~Chapter 4 - WHAT~

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Continuation of the last chapter....

~~MAIA'S P.O.V~~

I walked in Y/N's room and froze, Y/N was kneeling on the floor digging her nails into her scalp, "Y...Y/N? are you o-" I was interrupted as she started to mumble, I couldn't hear what she was saying but then suddenly she started to yell at me, I dropped the pancakes in  shock as I realized she was speaking gibberish.

"HEY! Y/N! c..calm down okay... its just me.." I started to walk towards her with caution but jumped back as she tried to tackle me to the ground "S...STAY BACK, I.. I CANT CONTROL.. CONTROL IT!" she practically yelled at me but then as quickly as a brick would drop she crashed onto the floor, back on her knees she started to claw the carpet and screamed. she suddenly bolted up right and grinned, but not a normal grin... a type of grin a murderer would make as you took your last breath... this wasn't Y/N, it couldn't be, as I was lost in though I didn't notice the 'girl' in question was slowly walking towards her axe (remember her sudden urge to buy an axe? SEE IT WASNT RANDOM IT WAS IMPORTANT!) As I looked back up sensing sudden movement I saw 'Y/N' swing the axe at me, thankfully I dodged it.

As she tried to take the axe out of the wall I had an idea, I whipped my phone out and quickly opened up a picture of suga!

As she tried to take the axe out of the wall I had an idea, I whipped my phone out and quickly opened up a picture of suga!

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---cAn WE JuSt ApReCiAtE hOw I hAd To LoOk Up ThIs PhOtO fOr ThE sToRy!?! I NEARLY DIED!!---

I started to shout at 'Y/N' "MAY THE POWER OF SUGA COMPEL YOU, MAY THE POWER OF SUGA COMPEL YOU" I slowly walked closer and as she looked at the photo I could see the pure shock on her.. no ITS face as it tried to run away but as I shouted one more time it dropped to the floor...

At that moment I ran to my room to get the ropes I was going to use for my next prank video and I ran back to Y/N to tie her up so she couldn't move, As I tied her up I noticed her foot was twitching and she was squirming around on the floor uncomfortably so I slowly picked her up and laid her on her bed. I walked out the room and decided to call my friends.

(Okay prepare for some google translated Korean also italic is the person she's calling)

"C'mon, C'mon... pick up..."

"여보세요? (Hello?)"

"예! 정국이 당신이 주워 준 감사드립니다! (Yes! Jungkook thank god you picked up!)"

"뭐가 문제 야? 무슨 일 있었어? 한 시간 전에 전화 했어. (what's wrong? Did something happen? I called just an hour ago)"

"아무것도 내 방의 룸메이트를 소유하고 나를 죽이려고했다는 사실을 제외하고는 잘못된 것이 없습니다! (nope nothing wrong except the fact something just possessed my roommate and tried to kill me!)"

"무엇을 기다립니다! 너 괜찮 니? (WAIT WHAT! ARE YOU OKAY!)"

"네,하지만 괜찮아요? 무슨 일이 일어나는지 알아내는 데 도움이 필요해. 너랑 둘이 같이 할 수 있을까? 바쁘신가요? 걱정 마세요. (Yes, but I need you to come round okay? I need help figuring out what's going on.... so can you and the guys come round? I get it if your busy don't worry...)"

"뭐! 바쁜 과정이 아닙니다! 애들 한테 오면 괜찮을까요? (WHAT! OF COURSE WERE NOT BUSY! i'll ask the boys if they can come okay?)"

"좋아요 .. 제발 .. 빨리 ... 제 가장 친한 친구를 이런 식으로 볼 수는 없습니다. 때때로 그녀는 냉담하고 냉담한 척합니다.하지만 그녀는 제 가장 좋은 친구입니다 .... (Okay just please.. be quick... i cant see my best friend like this.. sure sometimes she pretends to be cold and heartless.. but she's my best friend....)"

"좋아, 우리 모두 올 수있어, 이제 막 떠나고있어, 우리는 10 분 정도 괜찮아 질거야? (Okay we can all come, we're just leaving now okay, we'll be about 10 minutes though okay?)"

"알았어. 고마워. 고맙다는 얘들 한테 말해 줄 수있어? 또한 그의 인생의 사랑이 구원의 필요성에 있다는 것을 졸린 바위에게 이야기하십시오. 어쨌든 10 분 안에 당신을 뵙겠습니다. 어쨌든 다시 한번 감사드립니다. (Okay.. Thanks.. can you tell the guys i said thank you? also tell the sleepy rock that the love of his life is in need of saving. Anyway see you in ten minutes i guess... anyway thanks again..)"

I sighed as I ended the call.. I never wanted them too meet like this... hopefully they wont hate her after this.. I know this isn't her... she must be possessed....

FINALLY BTS HAVE BEEN INCLUDED! Sorry it took so long also again please appreciate the fact that I had to search "sexy suga picture" and "hot suga picture" TO FIND THAT PICTURE! ALSO just remember that me and my friend started this story while texting and I replaced me with Y/N so literally Maia sent me basically a WHOLE ALBUM FULL OF SUGA PICTURES!!! HER BIAS ISNT EVEN SUGA! I SWEAR SHE'S SAVING THEM UP TOO KILL ME! Annyyywwayyy thanks for making it this far and sorry of the updating schedule is a bit random.. tbh im meant to be doing French homework right now... does anyone know why some schools force the pupils to do French when its pretty obvious they don't want to do it? like no offence to the French language it just I don't ever see myself going to France or anywhere that speaks French... I guess it will be handy to learn but I don't see why I need to... Anyway sorry for that little rant there and now I have to start my French homework....

P.S- sorry if the Korean is terrible I used google translate since unfortunately I do not know Korean, I know English some Japanese, a teensy bit of Spanish and some French but not Korean.... I wish I did though :(

-Niko Out

P.P.S-sorry for  the short-ish chaptor like I said I have homework

P.P.P.S- Sorry for any miss-spellings I don't have time to spell check it and I want to publish it quickly

~~1028 words~~

Love Comes In Many Ways ( Suga ) **BEING RE-WRITTEN**Where stories live. Discover now