~Chapter 14 - Moving?~

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~~Maia's P.O.V~~

As Father Chi broke the circle I ran towards the limp body of Y/N and started to shake her, "Y/N? Y/N? CAN YOU HEAR ME? WAKE UP?" I shouted to her, as tears began to fall from my eyes until I heard a shaky breath from Y/N, my eyes widened and I plunged her into a hug,

"w...what happened, w..why am I on the floor?, wait, w..why do you l..look so blurry" She said shakily as she sat up, all the boys looked at her and Yoongi looked like he was about to cry, they all started to regain from the shock of the exorcism and one by one they started to join in on the hug, and Y/N's face grew more and more confused,

"Okay long story short, Aki's gone! for now" Namjoon said happily, mummering the last bit so Y/N wouldn't hear, I looked to Y/N as I saw happiness light up in her eyes, "Wait! so I'm fixed! I'm finally fixed!" she shouted as she jumped out of the hug and started to run around the living room shouting a bunch of things in Japanese, the boys looked at her in shock, ooohh right... they probably didn't know she could speak Japanese...

"아 맞다, 나는 Y / N이 일본어를 말할 수 있다는 것을 잊어 버렸다. ...... 죄송합니다. (Oh right, I forgot to mention that Y/N could speak Japanese didn't I...... Oops)" I grinned as I looked at there reactions, I turned to yoongi to see his reaction that his crush knew multiple languages and saw a love stuck smile plaster itself on his face,

I smiled at the thought of them finally getting together and shook my head, knowing them I would have to help them realize their feelings...

"Okay Y/N calm down, I actually have some news for all of you, and you guys might not like it...." I told them and gestured to Namjoon to translate, as they all sat down, I tried to hold back a smile as Y/N and Yoongi sat next to each over, and all the boys started to squish them together, but stopped as yoongi glared at them, I chuckled as I began to talk,

"Okay so, Y/N I didn't tell you about this because I wanted it to be a surprise, but if you haven't noticed all the rooms have been getting emptier and emptier, the reason for that is.... were moving to..... JAPAN!!"

I saw yoongi's eyes widen and his eyes becoming to be Teary.
"잠-잠시만 실례하겠습니다." (Excuse me for a moment) He stutters, stands up and goes to the kitchen.
I sighed, and signaled namjoon and hoseok to talk to him.

~~Namjoon's P.O.V~~

Me and hoseok walked over to suga who was looking out the window.
"왜 긴 얼굴?" (Why the long face?) I asked as I patted his back.어쨌든 어서 돌아 가자.
" ... 그들의 떠나는 것. ... 우리 바쁜 스케줄 때문에 벌써 그들을 간신히 만난다.. 그러나 지금 그들은 완전한 다른 나라에있을 것이다. .. 예 / 아니오. 나는 결코 그녀를 다시 보지 못할까? .. (...Their leaving.... we already barely see them because of our busy schedules.. but now they'll be in a complete different country... Y/N.... what if I never see her again...)" Yoongi said, barely louder than a whisper as tears threatened to fall from his eyes, I chuckled to myself as he looked up at me angrily, probably thinking I was laughing at him,

"너는 큰 바보 야, 그녀가 말한 것에 덧붙일 필요가 있었지만 너는 나를 방해했다. 나는 다른 주에 우리 매니저와 이야기하고 있었고 약 반년 이상 일본에 간다고했다. 그래서 Maia의 밴드를 다시 도울 수있다. 그들과 함께. 그리고 우리가 핸드폰이라고 부르는 것이 있더라도, 용을 기억하니? (Yoongi you big idiot, I needed to add on to what she said but you interrupted me, I was talking to our manager the other week and were going to japan for about half a year or more so we can help Maia's band again, Were going with them. And even if we weren't there is a thing called a cell phone, remember yoongi?)" His eyes widened and smiled at the news, and I grinned at his reaction as Hobi rolled his eyes playfully,                                                                                               

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