Chapter 4

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Emma's POV

A few days ago Killian had come to town and we planned on meeting at Granny's once our kids were in school. I havent told Henry yet and I just dont think he is ready for that kind of change. Although I am happy with Killian Im not sure how my son or his kids will take it and we have to be careful. If we arent our kids and ourselves could be hurt.

"Come on Henry its your first day at school." I say.

"Im coming." Henry says.

Henry came downstairs and I was happy to see that he wasnt upset or angry about this. I took him to school and meet with his teacher who goes by the name Snow and then I told my son goodbye. I got into my car and went to Granny's.

"What can I get you?" Granny asks.

"Just a coffee for now." I say.

As I waited for my coffee someone sat across from me. I thought it might be Killian, but no it was Regina.

"Need a job Swan?" Regina asks.

"I have been working as your secretary for the last couple weeks. So I guess I have a job." I say.

"Oh great you need one. The sheriff station has an opening for a new deputy and that was the kind of work you could do." She says.

"Well that would be nice thanks." I say.

She nodded and left and I ordered some food and Killian came over to me and sat down.

"Why hello there love." Killian says.

"Hey how was your morning?" I ask him.

"Fine. My youngest was very fussy this morning and the other one isnt a morning person. So two crazy screaming girls in the morning how my morning went." He says.

"Yeah my son used to be that way. So I wanted to ask you about the fact we both have kids." I say.

"Is this gonna be about how we dont tell our kids about each other just in case we dont end up together and we dont want them to get hurt?" He questions.

"Yes thats what it is. I guess you know how it is as well." I say.

"Yeah. So we are in the same page. Cause its whats best for us and our kids." He says.

Killian and I were on the same page with what we wanted to do. So right now thats all that matters. Its all we can do right now and thats okay with the two of us.

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