Chapter 12

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4 years later

Emma's POV

Henry was 10 is now 14, Adalynn was 4 is now 8, and Lia was 2 is now 6 and Killian and I are still together. We did it we over came our pasts and came together. Killian had gotten Milah to finally leave us alone cause she didnt want to try and fight Regina. Who would though Regina can be terrifying. Neal hasnt shown his face since Henry made it clear he doesnt want him around. Henry made his choice after Neal tried to attack me awhile back. As for Killian and I we moved in together and we are happy. I see Killian's girls as my own and I know Killian sees Henry as his own.

"Love... You ready?" Killian asks me.

"Yeah, but are you sure about this?" I ask him.

"Love... They will be fine after all its just for a few hours and they will come by until your home again." He says.

"Fine." I say.

Killian got out of the car and dropped the kids off at Regina's.

"Bye you guys. Have fun." Killian says to the kids.

"Is Mommy Emma gonna be okay?" Lia asks.

"She'll be fine." Killian says.

"Yeah Lia, Emma is strong remember." Adalynn says.

"Yeah I guess." Lia says.

"Hey it will be okay. She wont be gone long. All she is doing is going to the hospital to have the baby." Killian says.

"But I'll miss her." Lia says.

"Well I'll be here and I'll play dress up with you if you want." Henry says.

That made Lia happy and then went inside Regina's house. Then Killian and I were off to the hospital. Hours of labor and our new little one was here. Our son was in the world now and everything felt right. Once the others came to see him everything was perfect. This all started with Fall Kisses, but now its a family and I couldnt ask for a better family then the one I have right here.

A/N: I hope you all liked this book, but since I got hardly any reads, votes, and comments I decided to end it here. If you want my books to be longer make sure you check out my new ones and others that I have.

New Books
1) Once Media
2) The Two

Books still going
1) Once x Reader 2
2) Protecting Whats Ours

So If you like my writing and my books and want to read more check and have them be longer then please reader the books I posted above and thanks for reading Fall Kisses.

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