Chapter 7

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Killian's POV

After Emma and I had that small gathering with our kids and my girls seemed to like Emma's 10year old son. I wanted to talk to Emma about maybe coming clean about our relationship at some point. I then got another call from Milah and that was the 5th time today.

Phone Call

Killian: Stop Calling me!

Emma: Umm.... Killian its me.

Killian: Im sorry Swan. Milah had kept calling and I just assumed it was her.

Emma: Oh Im sorry. Do you want me to come over? Henry is with Regina today cause she needed him for something. I'd be happy to come over.

Killian: Actually that would be great.

Emma: I'll be there soon.

End Phone Call.

Lia was playing with some toys and Addie was drawing at the table when there was a knock on the door. It was Emma and she seemed to have brought food with her.

"You didnt have to do that love." I say.

"Thats okay Killian I wanted to. I hope they arent allergic to anything." Emma says.

"Nope. Just set it down and I'll get them to the table." I say.

Emma helped me clean up the table and then I got the kids to the table. She and I went to the kitchen and she placed her hand over mine.

"You know Killian your girls are lucky to have you, but you need to tell her to stop bugging you or change your number. I did years ago when Neal was bothering me and ruining every relationship I was trying to create." Emma says.

"Yeah. I get that and maybe I will just have to do that. I mean I was happy when we met and happy when I moved, but if she keeps this up I wont be happy anymore. Maybe I have to do that." I say.

"Well once you do then I bet things will be easier. Now you cant keep your kids away from her forever, but one day you will. Now just remember Im on your side." She says.

She lifted up my hand and placed a small kiss on my head. This is what I wanted and Im just happy and its all because of the sweet woman.

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