Chapter 8

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Emma's POV

Now that Killian and I are working out our own relationship by putting our past in the past but also keeping our kids on our mind. I then noticed message from an unknown number. Then I read it aloud and went into Henry's room.

"You called your father?" I ask him.

"Yeah....Are you mad?" Henry asks.

"Kinda. You always tell me that, but did you give him my number?" I ask.

"I had to he wanted to talk to you. Im sorry mom I really am. He called me and wanted me to call him back. Im sorry I didnt tell you." He says.

"Thats okay kid. Just next time tell me that." I say.

"I will mom. Again Im sorry." He says.

I walked out and went into my room and looked at message again. Saying Neal wants me back because he thinks we should be a family.

"Okay Emma... Are you okay?" Regina asks.

"Yeah." I say.

"Lies. Talk to me." She says.

"Neal texted and wants to be together again and I hated him for what he did." I say.

"Well I did to. He was doesnt deserve another chance. Look Henry can talk to him, but he doesnt need you. Beside Killian is better for you. He actually cares for you. Unlike Neal did." She says.

"Well thanks for that. Im gonna have to tell Killian about what happened. Im just worried cause Neal will hurt us if he finds out." I say.

"He cant bother you cause Killian isnt some push over like the others have been in the past. You and Killian know about the others past and Killian wont let him ruin you guys. You guys are happy about with one another." She says.

I knew she was right cause Neal can be hard to handle and Killian wont let him get through to us. I can trust Killian with my life, but I rather leave Neal in the past. Like Regina said Henry can let him in if he wants, but me I dont want Neal. All I want is Killian and thats all that really matters to me.

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